IEEE 1559:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1559:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1559:2009 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Inertial Systems Terminology.
NOTE—A depth meter can be used for inertial system aiding.
2.50 differential GI.ONASS: A type of differential radio navigation system.
2.51 differentIal GPS: A type of differential radio navigation system,
2.52 differential radio navigation: Reception of radio navigation signals at a site of known position in order to determine the time varying errors in apparent propagation velocity. This information is broadcast to users within the operating range of the site for correction of the results of radio navigation measurements. This correction applied to the vehicle’s radio-navigation-computed position substantially improves the accuracy of the vehicle’s position determination.
NOTE —Examples of differential radio naigation augmentation systems include local area augmentation system (LAAS) and wide area augmentation system (WAAS).
2.53 dilulion of precision (DOP): An instantaneous, dimensionless, multiplier indicating the relative quality of the spatial distribution of satellites (or other transmitters) as seen at the user receiver position. See: geometric dilution of precision.
NOTF.—DOP is inversely proportional to the spatial disinbution of the satellites (or other transmitters). A value of unity indicates optimal spatial distribution, implying the highest confidence in the accuracy of the position and)or time. A larger DOP value indicates less opimal spatial distribution implying lower confidence in the accuracy of the position and/cr time.
2.54 directIon coslite matrix: An orthogonal three-dimensional matrix that represents a rotation in three- dimensional space. A direction cosine matrix has no singularities. See: Euler angles luaternion representation of rotation.
Direction cosine matnces are used to transform vectors from one rectangular coordinate system to arnither. such as from the body frame to the navigation frame.
NOTE 2—A direction cosine matrix has six constraints (three nonnalization, three orthogonality).
2.55 direction cosine matrix integration algorithm: An attitude integration algorithm that uses a direction cosine matrix to relate the orientation of a vehicle body with respect to a reference rectangular coordinate frame. The integration algorithm performs periodic updates of the direction cosine matrix using gyroscope data. These updates arc performed using the matrix product of the previous direction cosine matrix and an update direction cosine matrix that represents the rotation from the previous to the current iteration time.
NOTE 1— Because updates take place at a finite rate, the integration algorithm is usually supplemented by a higher rate coning algorithm to better account for high-frequency dynamics.
NOTE 2— In the case where the reference axes are not inertially stabilized, the direction cosine matrix integration algorithm must account for the rotation of the reference axes with respect to inertial space. For example in a local level terrestrial navigation system, the direction cosine matrix integration algorithm accounts for Earth rate and craft rate.