IEEE 1628:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1628:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1628:2009 pdf free download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Maintenance of DC Overhead Contact Systems for Transit Systems.
When working in an isolated zone that is adjacent to energized conductors, the qualified person should place him or herself in a position that will permit close observation of all locations within prosimily to the energized wires and from which one can best observe the mrnemcnt of all persons toward such locations.
Qualified personnel should, under no circumstances, assume that a person (having been instructed) will adhere stñcily to such instructions, but should remain alert to detect any potential violations of those instructions, tinder these circumstances, the qualified person should not physically engage in the work operations himherself. nor should one converse with any other persons or the work supervisor any more than is necessary to convey the instructions issued.
The qualified person in charge of’ safety for each crew should be in communication with other crews and with the centralized operational control of traction power (if any) and vehicle movements when possible. When maintaining such communications is difficult, written procedures on worker safety should be developed and followed,
If the qualified person leaves the work crew for any reason, all work within the safe working distance of the potentially energized sections of the OCS. as detined in the satiny manual, should be slopped until said individual returns. Alternatively the designated qualiticd person could appoint another qualified individual to assume responsibility for the work site. All crew members should be made aware of this transfer of supervision.
5.1.2 Incidents affecting vehicle operations
Operating incidents and conditions likely to affect ehicle operation should be reported immediately to the operations personnel in charge of vehicle movements. Personnel should be on continuous lookout for any situation that could interfere with current collection, such as broken overhead insulators, foreign objects (including kitc strings and vegetation), defective equipment. or other abnormal conditions.
When an overhead wire failure occurs that may obstruct tracks or the Street. all areas that may be affected should be protected immediately against vehicle and pedestrian movements throughout the affected area.
When a broken wire or obstruction in the OCS is found that may damage the current collector, approaching vehicles should be warned by approved signals, such as the use of flags, warning devices, lanterns, hand signals, or equivalent. It should be assumed that steel poles and down guys are energized as a result of an incident until determined otherwise by a qualified person.
Where the condition of the OCS may lead to substandard current collection, crew members should observe operating current collectors of passing schicks. In ease of a defective collector, the proper operations personnel in charge of vehicle movements should be notified immediately. Vehicle operators should be responsible for taking corrective action, when it is possible to do so.