IEEE 1654:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1654:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1654:2009 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for RF Protection of Personnel Working in the Vicinity of Wireless Communications Antennas Attached to Electric Power Line Structures.
3.9 RF protective clothing: Clothing specifically designed to provide protection for the wearer from excessive exposures to RF fields.
4. Application
This guide presents a reference source for electric utilities on how to establish a sakty program to meet OSI-IA and FCC RF exposure cornpliancc requirements and protect electrical workcrs in thc vicinity of wireless communication antennas adjacent or attached to electric power line structures. The information that the guide provides is geared more specifically towards the electrical workers that perform maintenance or construction work on electric power lines or structures with attached active wireless communications antennas. It would be of less interest to other utility workers, such as communications workers. The guide deals with the RF protection aspect only to the extent of meeting the already established RE compliance requirements. These OSI-IA and FCC requirements also encompass the health and safety issues, in addition to the RF exposure limits. Main contributions of this guide include that it describes for electric utilities the minimum requirements for establishing a RF safety program. and specific guidelines on the immunity of RFPM to the power-frequency fields from transmission lines, as well as the use of conductive clothing tir worker protection.
5. RF exposure—FCC and OSHA guidelines and requirements
The rules regarding human RF exposures enacted by the FCC.’ establish regulatory requirements for FCC’- licensed radio services, including human exposure limits more stringent than those of OSHA. and more rigorous compliance requirements for transmitter facilities. The FCC states that compliance with RF exposure regulations is the responsibility of the transmitter licensee. Private and commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) providers and operators were required to have their transmitter facilities in compliance with the revised FCC exposure guidelines by no later than September I, 2000. if major modifications were made or a license was renewed. These federal govenmiern regulations have the greatest impact on easily accessible high-powered transmitter and antenna systems, such as broadcast systems. Implications for electric utilities are mostly limited because the majority of the utilities’ communications equipment is elevated on telecommunications towers, although some may he located on buildings or other utility structum-es. The power levels of the utilities’ trdnsmitters are also relatively low in comparison to the power levels of broadcast transmitters. However, in recent years. especially with the advent of deregulation. it has become a common practice to lease space on utilities’ transmission and telecommunications structures to external panics who provide personal communicalion services (PUS), cellular and sometimes PUS mobile phone services. As a result, there are now more locations where electric utility employees, particularly electric transmission workers. may be exposed to RF energy in their work environment.