IEEE 1244.2:2000 pdf free download

IEEE 1244.2:2000 pdf free download

IEEE 1244.2:2000 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Media Management Systems (MMS)Session Security, Authentication,lnitialization Protocol (SSAIP).
These decisions allow 18 different combinations, but is it expected that MMS standard-confomiing product configurations will limit these choices to certain arrangements that reduce the number of possibilities actually used, and will most usually required symmetry of choices by the client and the server, However, this is not a requirement. and it is recognized that there arc important situations where asymmetry of the authentication requirements between the client and server is appropriate.
1.4 Rationale
This protocol initiates communication sessions between MMS Modules or MMS Clients and the MM. It is common among all MMS Modules and MMS Clients, and provides a way of negotiating and establishing an agreement on language and language s’c&on between those components. Even if these MMS Modules or MMS Clients are originating from different suppliers and support one or more different languages. as described in this standard and the related standards mentioned in 1.1 . they shall be able to communicate with each other. This establishes mechanisnis that will allow the support of ditTerent languages and language versions by the MMS Clients and MMS Modules and increase the flexibility and adaptability of the standard described here in this standard and the standards mentioned in 1.1.
The level of electronic and physical security is to be determined by any software and hardware installation conforming to the MMS standard. Some parts of the MMS product may be secured, for example, by physically a dedicated line and hence electronic cryptographic security may be superfluous. Other parts may require electronic security, since an acceptable level of physical security may not be available. There are sit. uations where privacy is the only requirement, hence the use of an SSL encrypted connection is appropriate. but the use of additional antthcnticatinn mcchanisnis is unnecessary.
Security and Authentication are defined as part of the SSATP.
1.5 Proof of correctness disclaimer
At the time that this standard was completed. the security algorithms referenced in this standard are believed to be correct and provide the expected level of security. However, no formal proof of correctness has been performed. Therefore, no security guarantees are given by the MMS standards in regard to the currently referenced algorithms. Security standards are referenced in such a way that future iniprosements in those standards do not atTect the defInition of MMS.
NOTE—tn particular, it is icognizcd that SSL3 (see Clause 2 will become an option within the more encompassing Transport Layer Security (TLS) standard, thus making some part of this SSAIP redundant in some environments.