IEEE Std C62.41.2:2002 pdf free download

IEEE Std C62.41.2:2002 pdf free download

IEEE Std C62.41.2:2002 pdf free download.IEEE Recommended Practice on Characterization of Surges in Low-Voltage (1 000 V and Less) AC Power Circuits.
Answers might not exist to all of the questions raised the considerations listed above, In particular, the anscrs related to specific equipment sensitivities, both m terms of component failure and especially in terms of processing errors, might not be available to the designer The goal of the reader might he selection among various SPDs and equipment protected 1w them. Subsets of the parameters in this section ma then apply. and the goal of the reader might then be the testing of various SPI)s under identical test conditions. The following can guide the reader in identif’ing parameters, seeking further facts, or quantifing a test plan:
a) Prorciion desired The prOtection desired can vare greatly depending upon the application. For example, in applications not invoking on-line performance, protection might be desired merely to reduce hardware failures by a certain percentage. In other cases, such as data processing, critical medical processes, or manufacturing processes, am interruption or upset of a process is hkel to be unaccepable. Hence, the designer should quantify the desired goal with regard to the separate questions of hardware failure and process upset. Another consideration is the need to make an informed decision either to provide protection b and survival of all SPDs for the rare event of a direct lightning flash to the structure of interest or. alternately, to limit such protection for the common of surges (including remote lightning, but not a direct clash
b) Equipment sensitivities, Specific equipment sensitivities should be considered in concert with the above-mentioned goals The sensitivities will be diflrcnt for hardware failure or process upset Such definitions might include maximum surge remnant amplitude and duration that can be tolerated dowiistream of a mitigation device. wavefonn or energy scnsitiitv. etc.
e) Pinver environnwnt—surges. The applicable test waveforms recommended in this document should be quantified on the basis ot the location categories and exposure levels detined in this reconimended practice. us well as consideration of surges associated with a direct lightning flash to the structure. This latter scenario is mentioned in 7.4, with further information and background presented in Informative Annex A.
d) Power envirmrnmeni—ekctrical qslens. The magnitude of the root-mean-square rms) power-line. including an anticipated variation, should be tuanti1ied. Power s stem oltages arc generall regulated to compbe with ANSI CX4.l-19W) standard specilies two runges (A and H) of service and utili,ation voltages and acknowledges the occurrence of abnormal conditions that cause these voltages to be exceeded. Successful application of SPI)s requires taking into consideration these occasional abnormal occurrences. Appropriate selection of the limiting voltage. switching voltage, and maximum continuous operating voltage (MCOV) ratings is essential.