IEEE 1615:2007 pdf free download

IEEE 1615:2007 pdf free download

IEEE 1615:2007 pdf free download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Network Communication in Electric Power Substations.
It is possible for a utility to convert leased lines from analog to digital. decrease the combined basic and distance charge. and gain additional bandwidth. The additional bandwidth may pennit added communications capability for network traffic.
5. Internet protocol suite (IPS) and services
The IPS is platform-independent and supported universally around the world, It is highly scalable, i.e., local area network (LAN) to wide area network (WAN), and many quality implementations exist for both embedded and workstation operating systems. The growth of the Internet has fticlcd the large availability of equipment and has prosred that the IPS is capable of transporting trcmcndous quantities and types of data. With some tailoring, the security protocols and mechanisms developed, and being developed, for the Internet are applicable to electric utility networks.
The most attractive reasons for choosing the IPS for electric utility networks are as follows:
— Simplified integration between existing networks
— Leverage existing equipment and standards
The IPS is composed of several protocols that provide data transport services and a number of applications for network-related activities. It is commonly referred to TCP!IP.’ after the two most important protocols in it: the transmission control protocol (TCP) and the Internet protocol (1P, which were also the first two defined. However, the IPS refers to the entire set of protocols developed by the Internet community. The Internet protocols are defined by request for comment (RFC) documents available from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)4 as public domain works. Although some of the RFCs specify the Internet protocols, many of the RFCs are for information or application guidance only and are not official standards. While the IPS can be roughly fitted to the open systems interconnection (051) model that describes a fixed set of seven layers and some vendors like to use this model, some believe that fitting the IPS to the OSI model does more to confuse than to help. Note that the IPS does not define the data link and physical layer because the IPS was designed to accommodate any underlying network technology.