IEEE 519:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 519:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 519:2014 pdf free download.IEEE Recommended Practice and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems.
motch depth: The average depth of the line voltage notch from the sine wane of voltage.
mitch area: The area oIthe line oliage notch. It i5 the product of the notch depth, in volts. times the width of tbc notch measured m microseconds.
point or common coupling (PCC): Point ott a public power supply system, elcctncally nearest to a 1iin’ricular kxad, at which other loads are, (it could be, connected The P(X’ is a porn? locatcd uporcion of the considcred installation.
pulse number: The total number of successive ncmsinsuhaneous commutations occurring within the converter circuit dunng each cycle when operating without phase control It ix also equal to the order of the principal harmonic in the direct voltage, that is. the number of pukes present in the dc output voltage in one cycle of the %upply voltage.
short-circuit ratio: Al a particular location, the ratio of the available short-circuit current, in amperes, to the load ciarretn. in amperes.
telephone influence fadue (1W): For a voltage or current wane in an electnc supply circuit, the ratio of the square root of the sum of thc squares of the weighted root-mean-square values of all the sine-wave components (including alicmating current sbaves both fundamental and harmonic 1 to the root-mean-square value (unwcightcd) of the entire wave,
total demand distortion (TDD): The ratio of the root mean square of the harmonic content, considering hannuni components up to LhC 50th order am) specifically excluding ntcrbannonici, expressed as a percent of the mavimum demand current. Harmonic conlponenls of order greater than 50 may be included when necessary.
total harmonic distortion (Till)): The ratio of the root mean square of lhc hannomc content, considering harmonic components up to the 50th order and specifically excluding interhazmosticv. expressed an a perent of the fundamental lhirinoriw climponents of unkr greater thai 54) may be included when nccessaly.
4. Harmonic measurements
For the purposes of assessing harmonic levels for cotnpimsusi with the recommended limits in this document, any instrument used should comply with the specifications of IEC 61000-4-7 and IEC 61000-4- 30. The meat relevant portions of the 1Ff specifications arc sumniariacd in 4.1 thiough 4.4.
4.1 Measurement window width
The width of the measurement window used by digital instruments einploytng Discrete Fourier Transform techniques should he 12 cycles (approximately 200 ma) fur 60 II, power systems (10 cycles fot 50 II, power systems). With this window width. spectral components will be available every 5 Hz (e.g.. 0. 5. 10.. .50. 55. 60. 65. 70,…). For the purposes of this document, a harmonic component magnitude is considered to be the value at a center frequency (60, 120. I $0. etc. and 50. 100, 150. etc. Hi for 60 lii and 50 lIz power systems, respectively) combined with the two adjacent 5 lIz bin values. The three values are combined into a single mis value that defines the harmonic .nagiii*ude for the particular center frequency component.