IEEE 802.15.4j:2013 pdf free download

IEEE 802.15.4j:2013 pdf free download

IEEE 802.15.4j:2013 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks一
Part 15.4: Low-Rate Wireless Personal AreaNetworks (LR-WPANs).
4. General description
Insert the following new .cubclause 4. 1b after 4. Ia: Introduction to medical body area network (MBAN) services
The US Federal Communications (‘ommission (FCC) has allocated spectrum in the range of 2360 Mhz to 2400 Mhz for use on a secondary basis for MBAN services. MHAN devices operating within this band conform to a set of rules specified in a Report and Order (FCC 12-54. FT Docket No. OX-59) issued by the FCC, which restrict use of the hand to only medical, non-voice use under direction of a healthcare practitioner, among other requirements. As a secondary user in this band, MilAN devices are required to protect all primary users and accept possible interference from those users. When a primary user is making use of a portion of the band MilAN devices vacate that portion of the band. Use of the hand by the primary user is, in general, scheduled well in advance allowing MilAN users to share the band in an orderly manner.
Insert the following new .c, (4.2d) after 4.2c:
4.2d MBAN channel andlor band switch
An MAN band coordinator may require devices to switch iheir operating channe’ aiid.or hand ai a specitic time. The PHY Parameter Change IF is used by a device to notif another device to change operating channel andior hand at a certain time. This situation can arise, for example, for MilAN devices when a primary user is scheduled to use part of the band covering the MilAN device’s operating channel at a scheduled time. The device is then required to vacate the channel at the scheduled time and move to another channel andor band that does not interfere with the primary user.