IEEE Std 1407:1998 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1407:1998 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1407:1998 pdf free download.IEEE Trial-Use Guide for Accelerated Aging Tests for Medium-Voltage Extruded Electric Power Cables Using Water-Filled Tanks.
The purposes of the above analyses are to address one of the main concerns about the use of thermal preconditioning to remove the cross-linking by-products, i.e.. the elTects of the changes in insulation morphology that can occur during the preconditioning or cable aging that may influence the mechanism of aging. It should be noted that changes in morphology and the migrafion of cross-linking by-products will also occur during the aging in the tank and that these will depend upon the aging temperature. Thus. until more inkrmation becomes available, it is suggested that, for information purposes only. measurements be made of the cross-linking by-products and also the morphology of the insulation before and after the preconditioning. and also after the aging.
Any interpretation of cable test data will be incomplcte without the actual details of the location of the sampling for the cross-linking by-products with reference to the test cable and of the analytical methods used to measure the by-products. It is therefore suggested to report these two parameters while giving quantitative information on the concentration of by-products so as to track down the cfkc of these on cable aging precisely.
Monitoring of the amounts of by-products in cables before the aging tests may lead to a refinement of the preconditioning procedure later. For example. levels of one or more by-products could be specified or the conditions for preconditioning changed in future editions of this guide.
6. Test structure
It should be recognized that tank shape. size, material of conslnlction, water volume and characteristics, and number of’ cables in the tank will have a direct influence on important parameters, the cable and water temperatures, and ultimately on the results of the test. It is not practical to list all of the combinations of these parameters in this guide. It is. however, possible to list general guidelines, suggest reported data that will facilitate the comparison of data generated by different test methods, and provide typical values for those parameters considered critical,
Figure I. Figure 2. and Figure 3 show several tank layout schematics. They are provided as a reference for the following paragraphs on tank structure and as a guide for standardization in the development of new testing facilities. They are not intended to preclude the use of other arrangements. It should be noted that not all elements shown in the schematics will necessarily be used for all test setups. In Table 3 and Table 4, capitalized letters in parentheses refer to elements in the schematics.