IEEE 1502:2007 pdf free download

IEEE 1502:2007 pdf free download

IEEE 1502:2007 pdf free download.IEEE Recommended Practice for Radar Cross-Section Test Procedures.
If possible, the chamber should be made large enough to range gate the coupling interaction of target and floor, walls, and ceiling. For large targets, such as an aircraft, this may become impractical to achieve. especially for the floor and ceiling.
3.4 Test zone plane wave characterization
Various types of ranges and instrumentation can be used to produce an approximation to a plane wave over the measurement zone. It is the responsibility of the range operator to periodically measure the plane wave parameters in order to detenninc the quality of the plane wave illuminating the test zone. Subclauses 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 discuss techniques for testing the quality of the plane wave.
3.4.1 Test zone definition
The “quiet zone” or “test zone” is the volume within a range where the test object is to be located. It is where the magnitude and phase variation approximate a plane wave.
The rule of thumb in Equation (I) with k = 2 defines a test zone where the illumination phase across the test zone has less than a 45° taper. In a compact range. the amplitude and phase taper are usually specified as I dR and 10°, respectively.
3.4.2 FIeld probing
The characteristics of the plane wave are usually tested using a field probe. Field probes come in two types. The first one is the classic “one-way” field probe where a small antenna is mounted on a precision positioner. which can locate the probe antenna over a planar or volumetric region. The second one is a ‘lwo-way” field probe. where a small sphere is suspended by three or more strings and positioned over a planar or volumctnc region. In both cases, measurements of the received amplitude and phase of the illumination signal are collected over the domain of the test zone. In the case of the scattered or two-way measurement technique, the amplitudes and phases are divided by two (2) so that they are comparable with one-way probing results. Roth techniques have been extensively and successfully employed on indoor ranges in the United States.
Regardless of which technique is used, the scanner or sphere positioner should provide good measurements of the amplitude and phase variation of the illumination signal across the entire test zone. This probing should be done at least at the front, middle, and back of the test zone. A sketch of a sample one-way field probe set up in a compact range is shown in Figure 6.