IEEE 1031:2011 pdf free download

IEEE 1031:2011 pdf free download

IEEE 1031:2011 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Transmission Static Var Compensators.
Consideration should also be gisen as to whether the specified limits are Incremental.” i.e.. due only to the effects of SVC generated hannonies. or •‘aggregatc.” i.e.. due to the effects of the SVC generated harmonics plus the ctTccts that the SVC has on precxisting distortion (due to magnification or attenuation). The latter is preferred because the principal concern in respect of power quality is the total change that the SVC causes. This is particularly relesant in TSC applications where often only an incremental specification is providetL a low loss designed TSC while not generating harmonic distortion itself can, however, lead to a significant increase in preexisting distortion due to resonance belwecn it and the supply system.
The SVC purchaser should also specify whether the pertönnance limits are such as to satisfy planning levcls at the PCC itself only. or to satisfy planning limits at “remote” busbars also to a certain degree this depends on the pertbrmance standard chosent.
8.3.1 Filter performance
The distortion lesels as specified should be met for the following:
— The continuous range of system and environmental conditions stated in Clause 6 and Clause 7 rariation in total lifter capacitance due to manuttcturing tolerance, ambient temperature, aging. and changes in capacitance up to alarm level
— Variation in tolerance for SVC parameters, such as transformer winding unbalances, sal’e firing variations, and unequal reactor and capacitor reactance between phases
These performance requirements may be exceeded for system conditions outside the continuous normal envelope specified in Clause 7.
Calculation should take into account all possible combinations and should not be applied equally on each tiller branch.
A more detailed description is available in B5.3.
Typically, one or more filter branches are used to limit the distortion levels in the system
8.3.2 Filter component rating
The harmonic filter components (and other SVC components) should be rated to carry continuously the harmonic currents caused by the background harmonic distonion of the system and the harmonic currents produced by the SVC itself. Unless otherwise specified, harmonic currents from the system and the SVC of the same order should be added arithmetically. All tiller harmonic currents of difterent order should be added quadratically (root sum of squares).
The rated voltage of capacitors should be derived from the largest arithmetic sum of the power-frequency and individual harmonic voltages obtained from stress calculations in continuous operating conditions.
SOlE— Ntai.nurn Iundwncntal woltage and inasimuin hams,nw wntnbutl,nw may ni4 c.wm%t at the wWflC how ILW SVC configuratiutia including TSCs or MSC5
For the filter capacitor voltage rating, the loss of capacitor unit or elements should be considered up to the trip level.
The rated voltage of so-called “low-voltage” capacitors (e.g.. in double- or triple-tuned filters) should be chosen such as to also withstand imposed transient stresses from encrgisation or other switching events.
Filter rating should take into account additional constraints generated by geomagnetically induced current (GIC) when it applies.