SAE J1075:2000 pdf download

SAE J1075:2000 pdf download

SAE J1075:2000 pdf download Sound Measurement—Construction Site
1. Scope—This SAE Standard sets forth measurement procedures and instrumentation to be used for determining a “representative” sound level during a representative time period at selected measurement locations on a construction site boundary. The document is not intended for use in determining occupational hearing damage risk. Determination of a representative time period is left to the judgment of the user.
1.1 Purpose—The purpose of this SAE document is to set forth procedures that may be used by construction site management for self-regulation and construction site planning or by state and local officials for the enforcement of construction site noise regulations. Two measurement methods are provided to obtain the time-integrated equivalent sound level, L eq , emitted by construction site activity. First, a sampling procedure is recommended for use with a sound level meter. Second, a measurement procedure using an integrating sound level meter is presented. The latter procedure is generally preferred. Use of this document provides sound level data representative of the complex time-varying sounds emitted by construction activities, which may be used to estimate community reaction to the construction activity.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1 .1 SAE P UBLICATION —Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 1 5096-0001 .
SAE J1 84 NOV98—Qualifying a Sound Data Acquisition System
2.1 .2 ANSI P UBLICATIONS —Available from ANSI, 1 1 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 1 0036-8002.
ANSI S1 .4-1 983 (R1 997) (1 997)—Specifications for Sound Level Meters
ANSI S1 .4A-1 985—Amendment to ANSI S1 .4-1 983
ANSIS1 2.9/3 (R1 998) (1 998)—Quantities and Procedures for Description and Measurement of Environmental Sound, Part 3: Short-term measurement with an observer present
3. Definitions
3.1 Construction Site—That area within the defined boundaries of the project. This includes defined boundary lines of the project itself, plus any staging area outside those defined boundary lines used expressly for construction or demolition.
3.2 Construction Site Boundaries—The outermost limit lines of the construction site. 3.3 Noise Sensitive Area—Property such as that used for public, commercial, religious, or educational purposes, or home dwellings, parks, and other special-purpose areas in the vicinity of a construction site where the background sound is less than the construction site sound level.
3.4 Background Noise—Total acoustical and electrical noise from all sources in a system that interferes with the production, transmission, detection, measurement, or recording of a signal. NOTE—In many cases, the acoustical noise is the background sound. 3.5 Background Sound—The all-encompassing sound typically associated with the environment in a given area, being composed of sounds from many sources far and near, when the construction site is inactive.
3.6 Representative Sound Level, L A —The average of sound level samples obtained in accordance with the procedures.
3.7 Equivalent (or Time-Average) Sound Level, L eq —Equivalent or time-average sound is the square root of the time-average of instantaneous sound pressure squared. It is also termed the root-mean-square sound. Equivalent sound level is 1 0 times the common logarithm of the square of the ratio of the equivalent or time- average sound to the reference sound, p o , of 20 µPa.