SAE AS 9133:2002 pdf download

SAE AS 9133:2002 pdf download

SAE AS 9133:2002 pdf download Qualification Procedure for Aerospace Standard Parts
1. sCOPE:
This document provides a basic uniform method for ensuring that aerospace standard parts(products)conform with the requirements of technical specifications referring to qualified parts and for a
manufacturer of such parts to have a qualified management system at least equivalent toAS/EN/SJAC9100.
These standards apply when called out in the aerospace standard part standard.
9100 Quality Systems – Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production,lnstallation and Servicing
NOTE: This standard is published as an equivalent document in several countries. This standard uses the 9100 designation when referring to this standard.
9103Variation Management of Key Characteristics
NOTE: This standard is published as an equivalent document in several countries. This standard uses the 9103 designation when referring to this standard.
MANDATED BODY: Organization or person, approved by the Relevant Authority, tasked with assessing whether the manufacturer’s products comply with the relevant standards and whether themanufacturer’s quality system complies with 9100.For complex products/processes,AS/EN/9103could be used, if so decided by the mandated body. In this case the key characteristics are identified inthe technical specification for the qualified parts.
PRODUCT (within the Scope of this document): Standard part, standard part manufacturing processand standard part material (possibility of building a family of products must be laid down in the relevanttechnical specification).
2. (Continued):
RELEVANT AUTHORITY: An Authority that runs a qualified products registration system for qualifiedproducts, issues product qualification certificates and maintains a list of qualified products and theirmanufacturers (e.g.,AECMA-CERT,PRI-QPL). This list shall indicate the following minimum
information: the serial number, issue and granting date of the certificate, and the period of validity.USER: An organization purchasing specific aerospace qualified products.
MANUFACTURER: Company or organization manufacturing the products to be qualified and having aquality management system meeting the requirements of 9100. A manufacturer is assumed to belocated in the place where the product is made.
QUALIFICATION TEST PROGRAM (QTP): A program to demonstrate that the tests (may becombinations of tests, analysis or other documentation) meet the requirements of the technicalspecifications.
QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT(QTR): Report contains the test results according to the QTP.PRODUCT QUALIFICATION TEST REPORT (PQTR): Validation of the QTR by mandated body.PRODUCT QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE (PQC): A Serialized Document that certifies that aproduct has been qualified according to the relevant standards, established by an appropriateorganization (relevant Authority).
A manufacturer seeking to have a product qualified shall apply to the relevant Authority or to themandated body specifying:
. the description of the product to be qualified, identifying the applicable specifications and therelevant qualification standard to be used;
an overview of the company (organization, share holders and parent companies, productsmanufactured, manpower, facilities, etc);
a list of approvals and/or qualifications already granted and, if any, information on results ofevaluations already performed.
This shall be accompanied by a certificate showing compliance of the manufacturer with 9100 issuedby a body acceptable to the relevant Authorities plus any other required certifications/accreditationsfrom relevant organizations.
The above information shall be forwarded to the mandated body for examination.