SAE ARP 5898A:2020 pdf download

SAE ARP 5898A:2020 pdf download

SAE ARP 5898A:2020 pdf download Human Interface Criteria for Flight Deck Surface Operations Displays
1. sCOPE:
Following a number of high-visibility collisions between aircraft on the airport surface, overall taxioperations have been brought under greater scrutiny. In addition, observation of taxi operations andthe results of associated research programs have revealed that the efficiency of taxi operations couldbe significantly improved with available technologies and by applying a human centered design approach.Surface operations displays have been tested in prototype form and a number of manufacturers are moving toward product definition. This document provides guidance on the designof elements, which may be part of surface operations displays whose objectives would be to enhancesafety and to improve overall efficiency of aircraft operations on the airport surface.Such efficiencyincreases should be realized not only in day-to-day operations, but should also be manifested intraining for surface operations.
This document sets forth functional and design recommendations concerning the human factorsissues and criteria for flight deck display of surface operations information. lt is assumed that thesystem will have a human centered design based on the “lessons learned” from past systems, withsimple operation, consistent performance, and intuitive use, without negative transfer of information.The visual and aural characteristics are covered for both the alerting components and surface operations display components. The display system may contain any one or a combination of thesecomponents. Although the system functionality assumed for this document exemplifies fixed-wingaircraft implementation, the recommendations do not preclude other aircraft types. The recommendations contained in this document address both near- and far-term technology directedtoward providing information used during surface operations, although the present version remainsprimarily focused on near-term applications. Since this type of document provides only “best practice”recommendations, the guidance is provided in the form of “should” statements as opposed to the”shall statements that appear in standards and requirements types of documents.
The assumptions about the system that guided and bounded the recommendations contained in thisdocument include:
The system is a flight-deck-based system displaying surface operations information to the flight
crew in visibility conditions down to and including CAT Ilb or under a Surface Movement Guidanceand Control System (SMGCs)
When available, multiple sources of data will be used to provide the flight crew with the best available information
The system will be capable of worldwide operation
At least initially, paper and/or electronic versions of the surface charts will still exist and be available to the flight crew
There will be pilot-in-the-loop/manual involvement in any path changes.Information will be accessible by appropriate flight crew members