IEEE Std 463:2006 pdf free download

IEEE Std 463:2006 pdf free download

IEEE Std 463:2006 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Electrical Safety Practices in Electrolytic Cell Line Working Zones.
4. Description of electrolytic cell lines
Electrolytic cell lines differ widely in size and in physical and electrical characteristics, even for the same type process. One cell line may operate at less that 25 volt dc and another at more than 1500 volt dc depending on the type and number of cells. Also, one ccli line may operate at a few thousand ampere dc and another at over 400 000 ampere dc.
Electrolytic cell lines may be located indoors or outdoors. may be in a wet or dry environment. may have conductive or nonconductive floor surfaces, and may be electrically connected to auxiliary equipment such as pumps. motors, piping. and steclwork at elevations above andor below the cells.
Electrolytic cell line installations and their associated power sources, electrical conductors, auxiliary equipment, and attachments are custom designed for each installation.
5. Cell line working zone
A cell line working zone is the space envelope wherein operation or maintenance is normally performed on or in the vicinity of exposed energized surfaces of electrolytic cell lines or their attachments. The space envelope of the cell line working zone includes any space:
a) Within 2.5 m (96 in) above energized surfaces of electrolytic cell lines or their energized attachments.
b) Below energized surfaces of electrolytic cell lines or their energized attachments, provided the headroom in the space beneath is less than 2.5 m (96 in).
c) Within 1.1 m (42 in) horizontally from energized surfaces of electrolytic cell lines or their energized attachments, or from the space envelope described in item a) and item b).
The cell line working zone shall not be required to extend through or beyond walls, floors, roofs, ceilings. partitions. barriers, or the like.
6. Improved safeguarding of personnel from electrical hazards within the cell line working zone
Operation and maintenance of most electrolytic cell lines routinely require personnel to contact exposed. electrically energized surfaces such as electrolytic cells, their energized attachments and bus. The potential electrical hazards presented by these energized surfaces can he minimized by the selection of appropriate safeguards.