IEEE P1725:2006 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Rechargeable Batteries for Cellular Telephones.
This subclause includes requirements for limiting output current and mitigating potential hazards from external short circuits.
6.4.1 Limit output current
The battery pack shall limit output current in the event of an external short circuit, whether the battery pack is installed in. or is outside of. the host device for user-removable battery packs.
6.4.2 Pack mechanisms
The battery pack shall have at least one method to limit current from cells independent of the cell separator shutdown mechanism. Methods to limit output current may include active or passive protective circuits.
6.5 Thermal protection
This subclause includes thermal protection requirements.
6.5.1 Thermal protection
Over-temperature protection shall be incorporated to prevent operation outside current, temperature. and/or time limits as agreed to by cell, battery pack, and host manufacturer/supplier. Operating temperature limits may be difl’ercnt during the charge and discharge phases. See 7.6 for additional details.
6.5.2 Thermal protection design
The battery pack or host shall contain at least one thermal protection device or mechanism independent of internal cell devices or mechanisms. A thermistor in the battery pack or host that is used to monitor cell temperature and forms part of a temperature protection circuit is considered a thermal protection mechanism. A thermistor, if used, shall adequately represent the temperature of the cell(s). For a thermistor- type temperature protection circuit, all packs of the same model shall have the same voltage to temperature translation (acceptable tolerance no more than ± I 0%). with consideration for any temperature lag over time.
6.5.3 Action
When temperature and time limitations are exceeded, action shall be taken to mitigate hazards. Action should include shutdown, or disabling of charging. or other protective action. The action may be taken by the battery pack and/or host.
6.6 Overcharge considerations
This subclause includes requirements for overcharge protection.