IEEE 802.1QAW:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 802.1QAW:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 802.1QAW:2009 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks— Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks. Write Decapsulator Responder managed object’s attributes Purpose
To altcr thc value of one or more attributes of a Dccapsulator Responder managed objcct when the con’c’.ponding L)ccapsuIatcr Responder is not active, Inputs
a) Reference to a DccapsuLitar Responder managed object [ Item a)]:
N Reference to the attribute whoac value is to be changed:
I) Boolean flag. SourceAddressStayFbg. to enforce the DR not to replace the source_address field of the dccapaulated frame with the DR’s own MAC address. Default is false:
2) MAC address of the SFM Originator, which is optional:
3) Koolcan l’IoodingEnabled flag indicating if flooding is allowed (true) or not lfalsc) if the lgress port cannot be identified by the Filtering l)atabasc; and
4) t)uration in seconds. (‘or Decapsulator Responder to remain active once activated. Outputs
a) Operation status. This takes one of the following values:
I) Operation rejected because of invalid reference to a Decapsulator Responder managed object:
2) Operation rejected because the referenced Decapsulator Responder managed object does not exist:
3) Operation rejected because of invalid attribute reference or invalid value:
4) Operation rejected because the referenced Decapsulator Responder is active: or
5) operation accepted. Delete Decapsulator Responder managed object Purpose
To delete a Decapsulalor Responder managed object. If the Decapsulator Responder is still activc, the deletion will dc-activate the Decapsulator Responder lust and then delete the corresponding managed object. Input
a) Reference to a Decapsulalor Responder managed object 112.18.4,1.2. item a)]. Outputs
a) Operation status: this takes one of the following values:
I) Operation rejected because of invalid reference to a Decapsulator Responder managed object:
2) Operation rejected because the referenced Dccapsulator Responder managed object does not exist: or
3) Operation accepted. Activate a Decapsulator Responder Purpose
To activate a Decapsulator Responder. Outputs
a) Operation sLatus, This takes one of the following values:
I) Operation rejected because of inalid reference:
2) Operation rejected because the referenced SFM Originator managed object already exists; or
3) Operation accepted. Read SFM Originator managed object Purpose
To rctncve attnhutcs of SFM Originator managed object. Inputs
a) Reference to a SFM Originator managed object L12 I S.5. 1.2. item a)J. Outputs
a) Operation status. This takes one of the following values:
I) Operation rejected because of inaIid reference:
2) Operation rejected because the referenced SFM Originator managed object does not exist; or
3) Operation accepted.
b) If the operation is accepted, following attributes for the SFM Originator shouLd be rcturned
I) MAC address of the SFM Originator;
2) MAC address of the corresponding DccapsuLatoc Responder (writable);
3) Duration (writ.ible):
4) Activation status: truefalse; and
5) The remaining time left for the SFM Originator to remain active.