IEEE 344:2013 pdf free download

IEEE 344:2013 pdf free download

IEEE 344:2013 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification of Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
4.5.2 TIme history
A time history displays the earthquake-induced motion (usually in Icons of acceleration) as a function of time, The simulated motion is dcnved from exisfing or artificially generated earthquake records. For application at any floor, the time history record generated includes the dynamic filtering and amplification effects of the building and other intervening support structures.
4.5.3 PSD function
The mean squared amplitude per unit frequency of the vibratory motion is characterired in Icons of the PSD as a function of frequency.
NOTE Although the response apcetnlm and the PSI) fimcuon do not define thc cSact waveform or duration of the excitalion. they are valuable tools. They enable significant frequcncy.slcpcndent prupenics of tbc motion to be seen at a glance from one curve, Th PSI) pros ides inti.irmauon rcardtng the excitation directly without including the effects on an may of SI)OF oscillators as is done for the response spectrum. As a resuk, die PSI) alLows application of relationships between excitation and response by way of the transfer functions for linear systems
4.6 Support structure and interactions
Seismic qualification of equipment requires consideration 01’ installation features, such as (a) the seismic adequacy of the supporting structure (support assembly, structure, anchorage, floors, walls, or foundation). and (b) the potential for adverse seismic interactions (such as falling of overhead components. proximity impacts. differential displacements, spray, flood, or fire).
5. Seismic qualification approach
The seismic qualification of Seismic Category I equipment shall demonstrate an equipment’s ability to perform its required safety function(s) during andor after the lime ii is subjected to the forces resulting from a safe shutdown earthquake (SSE). For equipment being qualified by tcst and having more than one safely function, more than one SSE may bc required to demonstrate satisfactory pcrtbrmancc of all the safety functions. In addition, the equipment shall withstand the effects of a number of operating basis earthquakes (OBEs) (see 7.5. item b) in and 10.31 prior to the application of an SSE. The most commonly used methods fur seismic qualification are contained in this standard. The methods are grouped into four general categories that
a) Predict the equipment’s performance by analysis.
b) Test the equipment under simulated seismic conditions.
c) Qualify the equipment by a combination of lest and analysis.
d) Qualify the equipment through the use of experience data.
Each of the preceding methods, or other justifiable methods, may be adequate to verify the ability of the equipment to meet the seismic qualification requirements. The choice should be based on the practicality of the method for the type, sire, shape, and complexity of the equipment contiguration. whether the safety function can be assessed in terms of operability or structural intcriIy alone, and the reliability of the conclusions.