IEEE 1888:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 1888:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 1888:2014 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Ubiquitous Green Community Control Network Protocol.
NOTE—This specification cxtcnds thc traditional conccpt of Point in facility nctworking. Traditionally. “point” originally stood for a specific deicc to enable direct acccss (by read and write method). This definition is still tnie when the target component is a gateway. However, in this specification. Storage and APPs have the same interface as (iWs, so we estended the definition not only to access them but also to manage the data sequences related to them. In writing a value to a Point. if the component has a (1W inlcmcntation. the associated physical actuator would work according to the written value. If the component has a Storage implementation, the value would be archived in its disk.
4.5.3 URI-based identification
A Point is associated to a globally unique data sequence. The data shall have been generated from a specific sensor or to a specific actuator in the world. Thus, in order to identify the data sequence globally, each Point should have a globally unique identifier. Note that for private operation, it does not necessarily need to be globally unique. Ilowever. it is not recommended.
In UGCCNet, every Point shall have a URI for its identifier. Practically, we will first assign lDs for physical sensors and actuators, and then we will use the lOs for the Point lOs. This operation goes well with the traditional facility networking operation.
Taking URI for identifiers enables global access (if the Point is public) to the Point. Let X(=http:/ be a Point ID.
If components do not know the registry server that manages the Point ID, they should try to access X directly. Then, the URI can redirect to the registry server.components already know the registry server for X. Point ID may not need to be reachable. However, in order to obtain operational consistency, the host of the LPL should be the host name of the because physical sensors and actuators are attached to the (1W). Thus, typical URI format should be:
point ID = “http://I
4.5.4 PointSet
This specification also defines PointSet to enable hierarchical management of Points. A PointSct aggregates multiple Points and multiple PointSets. This definition allows the conventional operation of grouping of Points hierarchically. However, the PointSet feature is optional. All the components should allow operation without PointSet. Sec for formal definition.
5. Common communication protocol
5.1 General
This spectticauori defines two rypes or communicaiion prosocoEs for componems and registry. inciuding me component-tocomponent communication protocol and component-to-registry communication protocol. The protocol message for component-to-component and component-to-registry communication is intended to use Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) (see W3C, SOAP Version 1.2 Part I: Messaging Framework).