IEEE 11073-10417:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 11073-10417:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 11073-10417:2009 pdf free download.Health informatics—Personal health device communication Part 10417: Device specialization- Glucose meter.
4.2 Introduction to IEEE 11073-20601 modeling constructs
4.2.1 General
The ISOIEFE 11073 series of standards, and in particular IEEE Std 11073-20601. is based on an objectorictited systems management paradigm. The overall system model is divided into three principal components: the domain information model (DIM), the service model, and the communication model. See IEEE Std 11073-20601 for a detailed description of the modeling constructs.
4.2.2 Domain information model
The DIM is a hierarehical model that describes an agent as a set of objects, These objects and their atmbutes represent the elements that control behavior and report on the status of the agent and the data that an agcnt can communicate to a manager. Communication between the agent and the manager is defined by the application protocol in IEEE SW I 1073-20601.
4.2.3 ServIce model
The service model defines the conceptual mechanisms for the data cxchangc services. Such services are mapped to messages that arc exchanged between the agent and the manager. Protocol messages within the lSO1EEE 11073 series of standards arc defined in ASN. I. The messages defined in IEEE SW 11073-20601 can coexist with messages defined in other standard application profiles defined in the ISO’IEEE 11073 series of standards.
4.2.4 Communication model
In general, the communication model supports the topology of one or mow agents communicating over logical point-to-point connections to a single manager. For each logical point-to-point connection, the dynamic system behavior is defined by a connection stile machine as specified in IEEE Std 11073-20601.
4.2.5 Implementing the models
An agent impkrnenting this standard shall implement ill rnandakny elements of the inftnrnatiun. service. and communication models as well as all conditional elements where the condition is met, The agent should implement the recommended elements, and it may implement any combination ot the optional elements. A manager implementing this standard shall utilize at least one of the mandatory. conditional. recommended, or optional elements. In this context. “utilize” means to use the element as part of the primary function of the manager device. For example, a manager whose primary function is to display data would need to display a piece of data in the element in order to utilize it.
5. Glucose meter device concepts and modalities
5.1 General
This clause presents the general concepts of glucose meters. In the context of personal health devices in this family of standards, a glucose meter is a device that measures the concentration of glucose in the blood. Glucose, or the concentration of blood sugar in the blood, is the primary sowve of energy for the body’s cells. The glucose ksel is tightly regulated in the human body and is normally maintained between about 70 mgdL and ISO mg”dL (4 mmoLL and 11 mmolfL). The total measurement of glucose in the circulating blood is therefore about 3.5 g to 7.5 g (assuming an ordinary adult blood volume of S L). Glucose levels rise after meals and are usually lowest in the morning. before the first meal of the day.