IEEE Std 528:2001 pdf free download

IEEE Std 528:2001 pdf free download

IEEE Std 528:2001 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Inertial Sensor Terminology.
2.34 coast lime (mechanical gyro): S’e: run-down time.
2.35 comniand rate (mechanical gyro): The input rate equivalent to a torquer command signal.
2.36 composite error (gro. accelero,netcr): The maximum deviation of the output data from a specified output function. Composite error is due to the composite effects of hysteresis. resolution. nonlinearity. nonrepeatahility. and other uncertainties in the output data. It is gencrally expressed as a percentage of half the output span .See.’ input-output characteristics.
2.37 coning effect (gyro): The apparent drift rate caused by motion of an input axis in a manner that generally deseribes a cone. This usually results from a combination of oscillatory motions about the gyro principal axes. The apparent drift rate is a function of the amplitudes and frequencies of oscillations present and the phase angles between them, and is equal to the net solid angle swept out by the input axis per unit time.
2.38 Coriolis acceleration: The acceleration of a particle in a coordinate frame rotating in inertial space. arising from its velocity with respect to that frame.
2.39 Coriolis ibratory gyro (CVG): A gyro based on the coupling of a structural, driven, vibrating mode into at least one other structural mode (pickolT) via Coriolis acceleration.
2.40 coupler, optical (interferometric fiber optic gyro): See: directional coupler, optical.
2.41 cross acceleration (accelerometer): The acceleration applied in a plane normal to an accelerometer input reference axis,
2.42 cross-axis scnsitisity (accelerometer): The proportionality constant that relates a variation of accelerometer output to cross acceleration. This sensitivity varies with the direction of cross acceleration and is primarily due to misalignment.
2.43 cross-coupling coefficient (accelerometer): The proportionality constant that relates a variation of accelerometer output to the product of acceleration applied normal and parallel to an input reference axis. This coefficient can vary depending on the direction of cross acceleration.
2.44 cross-coupling errors (gyro): The errors in the gyro output resulting from gyro sensitivity to inputs about axes normal to an input reference axis.
2.45 CVG: See: Corlolls ibrator gsro.
2.46 daniping fluid (mechanical gyro, accelerorneler): A fluid that provides viscous damping forces or torques to the inertial sensing element. See flotation fluid.