SAE AMS 7267G:2001 pdf download

SAE AMS 7267G:2001 pdf download

SAE AMS 7267G:2001 free download Rings, Sealing, Silicone (VSI) Rubber Heat-Resistant, Low Compression Set 70 – 80
1 . SCOPE:
1 .1 Form: This specification covers a silicone (VSI) rubber in the form of molded rings.
1 .2 Application: These rings have been used typically as sealing rings for service from -65 to +260 °C (-85 to +500 °F) in contact with air, but usage is not limited to such applications. The cross-section of such rings is usually not over 0.275 inch (6.98 mm) in diameter or thickness.
1 .3 Safety-Hazardous Materials: While the materials, methods, applications, and processes described or referenced in this specification may involve the use of hazardous materials, this specification does not address the hazards which may be involved in such use. It is the sole responsibility of the user to ensure familiarity with the safe and proper use of any hazardous materials and to take necessary precautionary measures to ensure the health and safety of all personnel involved.
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS: The following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. The latest issue of SAE publications shall apply. The applicable issue of other publications shall be the issue in effect on the date of the purchase order.
2.1 SAE Publications:
Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 1 5096-0001 .
AMS 281 7 Packaging and Identification, Preformed Packings
AS568 Aerospace Size Standard for O-rings
AIR851 O-ring Tension Testing Calculations
AS871 Manufacturing and Inspection Standards for Preformed Packings (O-rings)
2.2 ASTM Publications:
Available from ASTM, 1 91 6 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 1 91 03-1 1 87.
ASTM D 471 Rubber Property-Effect of Liquids
ASTM D 575 Rubber Properties in Compression
ASTM D 1 41 4 Testing Rubber O-rings
3.1 Material:
Shall be a compound, based on a silicone (VSI) elastomer, suitably cured to produce sealing rings
meeting the requirements of 3.2.
3.1 .1 Color: Shall be rust.
3.2 Properties:
Rings shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 1 ; tests shall be performed on the rings supplied and, except as otherwise specified herein, in accordance with ASTM D 1 41 4, insofar as practicable. Tensile strength testing is not required on rings which are too small to permit assembly on rollers and are, after cutting, too short to permit testing as a single strand. Eliminating testing for tensile strength does not eliminate testing for elongation; elongation test can be made by stretching a ring over a mandrel of a size which will stretch the ring sufficiently to produce the required elongation when figured on the ID of the ring. Calculations of tensile strength and elongation may be made in accordance with AIR851 .
3.3 Quality: Rings, as received by purchaser, shall be uniform in quality and condition, smooth, as free from foreign material as commercially practicable, and free from internal imperfections detrimental to usage of the rings. Surface imperfections shall be no greater than permitted by AS871 for minor defects.