ISO 17680:2015 pdf download

ISO 17680:2015 pdf download

ISO 17680:2015 pdf download.Tourism and related services — Thalassotherapy — Service requirements
The design of the facilities shall ensure service provision according to the quality levels established in this International Standard at peak attendance, maintaining the diversity of the services offered.The choice of materials shall be specifically adapted to the aggressiveness, especially on metals, of an environment using sea water, as well as the use of cleaning and disinfection agents.The thalassotherapy centre facilities shall be located at a maximum of 1 000 m from the coastline in a healthy natural environment and in an area of non-polluted water.
All facilities open to the public shall be prepared to meet the needs of people with disabilities.
The thalassotherapy centre shall establish and respect the hosting capacity of its facilities.
3.1.2 General services areas Reception
The reception in a thalassotherapy centre shall be in an area, independent of all other areas and in accordance with the hosting capacity of the thalassotherapy centre.
The reception area, including waiting area, shall comply and consider the following requirements and recommendations:
— The reception area and the access to the care area shall be sufficiently illuminated and well signposted;
— If the spaces for the customers having hydrotherapy service (reception, porter’s lodge, cash, etc.) are differentiated, they shall be clearly identified;
— The reception area shall be adequate for the staff;
— The area of access to the care area shall be in good conditions of cleaning and illumination, without obstacles to allow the direct access to the treatments area;
— A list of official prices of the treatments shall be available in the reception in accordance with national legislation, in the languages more often used by customers;
— In the reception area, the different forms of payment shall be displayed;
— The reception area shall be opened at least during the hours when treatments are practised;
— The customer registration shall be done by electronic means.
5.1.2 Transport and storage
Sea water shall be protected against physical, chemical and microbiological alterations during transport and use, and it shall be used within limits determined by legislation in force. No physical and/or chemical treatment that is likely to damage its natural state can be authorized. A total drainage system shall be installed and operated. The thalassotherapy centre shall discharge used sea waters in the sea not far from the water intake point after processing it with a physical method, for example, passage under ultraviolet rays. Other waste waters can by no means be discharged in the sea. They shall be evacuated in public sewage plans. Regular samples for analysis shall be taken in order to d