IEEE Std 82:2002 pdf free download

IEEE Std 82:2002 pdf free download

IEEE Std 82:2002 pdf free download.IEEE Standard Test Procedure for lmpulse Voltage Tests on Insulated Conductors.
A minimum cable length of 9 in between grounded ends of the test tenninations, when no other accessories are involved or as required by the specific cable standard, shall be provided. When other accessories are included in the test circuit, a minimum cable test length of 4.5 m between the ends of accessories, and between the accessories and grounded end of the test terminations, shall be provided. When testing accessories only, shorter cable lengths are allowed (see specific accessory standard).
4.2 Electrode arrangement
4.2.1 Inner electrode
The inner electrode consists of the cable conductor, including any conductive shielding.
4.2.2 Outer electrode
The outer grounded electrode depends upon the type of cable and voltage rating.
a) Sl,ieIdedcthkc. Shielded cables, including those having external metallic coverings, shall be tested in their final Construction, or as agreed upon between user and manufacturer.
I) Pressurized cables and cable systems shall be tested at minimum recommended operating pressure, and with the design filling medium, or as agreed between user and manufacturer.
2) Other shielded cables shall be tested in air, at atmospheric preSsure.
3) Other specifications may require certain extruded cables to be tested in conduit.
b) Nonshielded abks. Nonshielded cables (i.e., those having no external metallic or semiconducting coverings over the insulation) shall be tested with the active length (test sample length) in conductive water that serves as the outer electrode. As an alternative, the cable may be tested in air after it has been prepared with semiconducting tape or paint and metal braid or mesh as an outer electrode.
4.3 Sample terminations
If a cable or joint is being evaluated, end preparations may be test terminals, such as water tenninals or resistive terminals. If a cable system is being evaluated, the active length shall include at least one of each type of commercial termination designated for use on the cable system.
Preparation of test terminations should be conservative but adequate to ensure a test failure in the active length of the cable or the cable accessory being tested.
5. Test procedures
5.1 Test temperature
The temperature of the cable conductor shall be maintained at a constant value during the test. The temperature of the cable conductor shall be set at the recommended maximum continuous operating temperature (+5 °C. —O °C) unless otherwise agreed upon. Other specifications may require individual Cable system components to be tested at temperatures other than the maximum continuous operating temperature. Temperature control by conductor heating is preferred. External heating is allowed only by agreement between the parties. DC sen ice application cable systems require conductor heating.