IEEE Std 1226:1998 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1226:1998 pdf free download

IEEE Std 1226:1998 pdf free download.IEEE Trial-Use Standard for A Broad- Based Environment for Test (ABBET).
3.1.69 test asset: An assemblage of instruments, interconnect devices, supporting software, and manual procedures that enable one or more lest objectives to be achieved. See also: automatic test system.
3.1.70 test control: The functionality that directs and facilitates the execution of tests and the collection of data.
3.1.71 test foundation framework (TFF): A comprehensive set of object classes that supports the use of product data, the development of test programs, and the utilization of diagnostic data elements. The classes defined in the TFF are based wholly on the tundamental functionality required for test.
3.1.72 test method: A specification that defines the algorithm, procedures, and required controllable inputs and potential behavior (nominal or anomalous) of a test object.
3.1.73 lest object: Any object defined for use within the domain of test representing an encapsulated view of a test method with interfaces to a test system.
3.1.74 test outcome: A mapping from an observation to one of a set of discrete possibilities.
3.1.75 test procedure: The implementation of a test method.
3.1.76 test program (TP): A program specifically intended for the testing of a Lest subject.
3.1.77 test program set (TPS): An assembly of items necessary to test a test subject on a piece of automatic test equipment (ATE). This includes the electrical, mechanical, instructional, and logical decision elements. The individual elements of the TPS are the TP. the adapter. and the TPS documentation TPSD).
3.1.78 lest requirement: A specification of the test methods and test conditions needed to evaluate and diagnose a test subject.
3.1.79 lest specification: A document that defines the tests to be performed on a test subject to verify conflinnance with its performance specification, without reference to any specific test equipment or test method.
3.1.80 test strategy: (A)The arrangement of specifIc tester types to achieve optimum throughput and diagnostic capability at the least possible cost given the fault spectrum, process yield, production rate, and product mix for a particular environment. (Adapted from MlL-STl)-13()I) (H) A selection of test methods to achieve sonic diagnostic test within execution time and test resource constraints,
3.1.81 test subject: The specific product design that is the focus of attention or target for the development of tests and diagnostics.
3.1.82 user interface: The part of the application that permits the user and application to communicate with each other to perform certain tasks.
3.1.83 virtual instrument software architecture (VISA): The general name given to the VPP(VXI Plug & Play) 4 Specification and its associated architecture. The architecture consists of two main VISA components: the VISA resource manager and the VISA instrument control resources.