IEEE 1016:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1016:2009 pdf free download

IEEE 1016:2009 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Systems Design-Software Design Descriptions.
A design concern names any area of interest in the design, pertaining to its development, implementation. or operation. Design concerns arc expressed by design stakeholders. Frequently, design concerns arise from specific requirements on the software, others arise from contextual constraints. Typical design concerns include functionality, reliability. per(ormance. and maintainability. Typical design stakeholders include users, developers, software dcsigncrs. system intcgrators. maintainers. acquircrs, and project managers.
NOTE 3- From a system-theoretic standpoint, an SDI) captures the information content of the design space with convcnicnt inputs (design diagrams and specifications produced by designers) and outputs (results of transformations produced by software tools). The design space typically contains altemativc designs and design rationale in addition to the minimal information of the current version of design. An interesting property of a design description as a system is that its configuration is subject to dynamic evolution and the respective state space, based on its design elements, is not given in adsance but created iteratively in a manner of system analysis by synthesis. The final design synthesis is obtained via successive analysis of intermediate designs. Therefore, an SOD can be considered an open, goal-directed system whose end state is a detailed model of the system under design.
An SDI) is organized using design views. A design view addresses one or more of the design concerns.
NOTE 4—The usc of multiple views to achieve separation of concerns has a long histoiy in software engineering (see Ross. (ioodenough, and Irvine 1H331 and Ross (B3lj). recently in viewpoint-oriented requirements engineering (see Nuseibeh, Kramer. and Finkelstein (11271). and particularly relevant to this standard, the use of views to rationally present the results of a design process (see Parnas and (‘lcmcnts 113301) and their use during design (see (iornma [HI I]). The particular fonnulaiion here is derived from IEEE Sid l47ltM_2000 (1120].
Each design view is governed by a design viewpoint. Each design viewpoint focuses on a set of the design concerns and introduces a set of descriptive resources called design elements that are used to construct and interpret the design view.
A viewpoint can introduce familiar design elements such as functions, input, and outputs: these elements arc used to construct a functional view.
There are four kinds of design elements: design entities, design relationships, design attributes, and design constraints. A design viewpoint determines the types of design elements to be used in any design views it governs. Each design view is expressed as a collection of instances of design entities, design attributes. design relationships among design entities, and design constraints on those elements. The design information needs of stakeholders of the system under design are to be satisfied through use of these elements.