ASME Y14.37:2012 pdf free download

ASME Y14.37:2012 pdf free download

ASME Y14.37:2012 pdf free download.Composite Part Drawings.
3.11 Composite Part
composite part: an inparable assembly of composite material(s) that may include noncomposite material(s). See Fig. 3-1, illustrations (a) and (b).
3.12 Core
core: an internal item of a sandwich construction to which the sandwich faces or skins are attached.
3.13 Core Ribbon Direction
core ribbon direction: an indicator that shos’s the direction of maximum shear strength and rigidity along the continuous webs of material.
3.14 Cure
cure: to change the properties of a thermosetting resin irreversibly by chemical reaction. Cure may be accomplished by addition of curing agents, with or without catalyst, and with or without heat and pressure
3.15 EOP
EOP: end of part.
3.16 EOPM
EOPM: edge of ply material.
3.17 Helical (Helix) Ply
helical (helix) ply: two windings, one for each of the
plus/minus orientations.
3.18 Laminate
laminate: the product resulting from the uncured buildup
of two or more ply levels of material. See Fig. 3-2.
3.19 Ply
ply: one discrete piece of manufactured material such as fabric, tape, adhesive film, etc. See Fig. 3-2.
3.20 Ply Drop-Off
ply drop-f when the edge of ply material (FOrM) does not correspond with the end of part (EOP) and ends inside the FOP.
3.21 Ply Identification
ply identification: a temporary identification that is not a part or identifying number in accordance with
3.22 Ply Level
ply level: the relative position from the tool surface of one or more discrete materials or plies in a laminate. See Fig. 3-2.
3.23 Ply Orientation
ply orientation: the direction of the reinforcing fiber within a laminate that may be at any angle but are normally 0 deg. 90 deg, +45 deg, or —45 deg relative to
a fixed reference direction on the part as indicated by
a ply orientation symbol.
3.24 Ply Stackup View
ply stackup piew: a view representing the ply level relationship ol each ply and other items within the laminate.
3.25 Ply Table
ply table: a table annotating the plies and items that are applicable to a composite part. See Fig. 9-1.
3.26 Preform
preJiirrn: an assembly of dry fabric and fibers that has been prepared for one of several different wet resin injection processes. A prefomi may be stitched or stabilized in some other way to hold its shape. A commingled preform may contain thermoplastic fibers and may be consolidated by elevated temperature and pressure without resin injection.
3.27 Roving
mving: a number of strands, tows, or ends collected into a parallel bundle with little or no twist. In spun yarn production, an intermediate state between sliver and yarn.
3.28 Sequence
sequence: denotes a sub-bond configuration (grouping of plies) for design definition/clarity. It may also be used, when specified, to define the manufacturing process (Ic., to tie groups of plies to specific tooling or process methodologies).
3.29 Tool Side
tool side: the surface of the item adjacent to the tool surface.
3.30 Tool Side View
tool side view: a viewing direction looking through the part towards the tool surface.
3.31 Tow
tow: an untwisted bundle of continuous filaments. Commonly used in referring to man-made fibers, particularly carbon and graphite fibers, in the composites industry
Assign a Part or Identifying Number (PIN) in accordance with ASME Y14.100. A PIN is not required for individual plies. For ply identification, see para. 7.1.