ASME A112.19.12:2014 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.12:2014 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.12:2014 pdf free download.Wall Mounted,Pedestal Mounted,Adjustable, Elevating, Tilting, and Pivoting Lavatory, Sink, and Shampoo Bowl Carrier Systems and Drain Waste Systems.
2.4.3 Trap Seal of flexible Hoses. PVC wastes that contain a flexible waste hose shall be factory solvent welded to the trap or trap adapter using PVC solvent cement complying with ASTM D2564. The flexible hose shall be supported in such a manner that it is prevented from bending to form a second trap.
2.4.4 Pressure and Leakage Tests. The flexible svaste system or a telescoping tailpiece waste system shall comply with the pressure and leakage require. ments ci ASME A1121&2/CSA 8125.2..
2.4.5 FLow Test. The flexible waste system or a telescoping tailpiece waste system shall comply with the (low rate requirements of ASME A112.18.2/CSA K125.2.
2.5 Flexible Water Supply Connectors
Flexible water supply connectors shall comply with
ASME Afl218.6/CSA 8125.6.
3.1 Adjustable. Elevating. Tilting, and Pivoting Lavatory, Sink, and Shampoo Bowl Carrier Systems
3.1.1 Load Testing Test Method for Mounting System. [he mounting system shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. A load of 250 lb (113,4 kg) shall be applied on the top of the lavatory, sink, or shampoo bowl fixture rim for a period of 15 mm. in both its highest and lowest positions. When lateral adjustments are provided, the test shall be conducted to apply the load of 250 lb (113.4 kg) to the carrier. Alter application of the required load, the assembly shall be inspected for damage. The device shall be operated through its full range of travel Performance Requirement. The assembly shall demonstrate no sign of damage during and after the application of the load. When the device is operated through its full range of travel, it shall function as it did prior to the load test.
3.1.2 VertIcal. Pivotal, and Tilt Adjustment Adjustment. The mounted adjustment mechanism shall provide adjustment for use as specified by the product manufacturer, For an adjustable position or elevating sink, lavator% or shampoo bowl with spedfied pivotal and tilt adjustment, the mechanism shall provide a pivot or tilt adjustment of not less than 10 deg and not more than 20 deg For an adjustable position or elevating sink, lavatory or shampoo bowl with specified vertical adjustment, the mechanism shall provide vertical adjustment not less than 2 in. (51 mm) and not more than 31) in. (762 mm). Test Method. The assembled system shallbe operated throughout its full range of vertical adjust-ment and the travel shall be measured. Performance Requirement. The carriershall provide a vertical adjustment of not less than2 in.(51 mm) and not more than 30 in. (762 mm). anda pivotal or tilted adjustment of not less than 10 degand not more than 20 deg.
3.2 Flexible Waste System or Telescoping Tailpiece
Waste System
3.2.1 Trap Seal.