ASME B89.1.14:2018 pdf free download

ASME B89.1.14:2018 pdf free download

ASME B89.1.14:2018 pdf free download.Calipers.
ICGM 100:2008, Evaluation olmeasurement data — Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM)
ICGM 200:2008. International vocabulary of metrology — Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM. third edition)
Publisher: joint Committee for Guides in Metrology.
Bureau International des Poids et Mcsurrs (111PM).
Pavilion de Breteull, F-92312 Sevres Cedex, France
4.1 General
As defined In ISO 13385-1, calIpers shall incorporate the use of a movable slider with a measuring aw that moves along a frame or beam with a stationary law to provide outside, inside, and when designed, step and/or depth measurements. The general design and workmanship of calipers shall be such to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Standard and ISO 1338S•1 across the measuring range of the caliper and in any orientation. unless otherwise specified by the manulacturer.
4.2 Least Count
(a) Vernier calipers using SI units shall provide readings to a least count of 0.05 mm or 0.02 mm. Dial calipers using SI units shall provide readings to a least count oIO.OS mm, 0.02 mm, or 0.01 mm. Electronic digital calipers using SI units shall provide readings to a least count of 0.01 mm.
(b) Vernier or dial calipers using U.S. Customary units shall provide readings to a least count of 0.001 In. Electronic digital calipers using U.S. Customary units shall provide readings to a least count of 0.001 in. or 0.0005 in.
5.1 GeneraL
The maximum permissible errors (MPF.) are specified limit values for errors that apply to all measurements permitted for use of the caliper as defined by the manufacturer and following proper operation and zero setting with the outside measuring faces. For general guidance on good operating procedures involving calipers. see Nonniandatory Appendices A and B.
5.7 Traceabitity
All the length standards,e.g,gage blocks, used in deter-mining the conformance of a caliper to specifications musthave metrological traceability per ASME B89.7.5.
5.8 Specifications
Table 5.8-1 lists default MPE values for calipers with ameasuring range up to 1 0o0 mm (40 in.J.The MPE valuesin Table 5.8-1 apply when no specifications are otherwisestated.The caliper manufacturer shall state the MPEvalues for larger calipers.The caliper manufacturermay also specify different MPE values than shown inthis Standard.MPE values stated by the caliper manufac-turer shall conform to the terms,definitions,and symbolsin this Standard.
Table 5.8- 1 includes specifications in both U.S.Customary and sl units. Due to the analog scale intervalor digital resolution of a caliper, the conversion betweenunits is not exact. Test values and MPE values shall not bemathematically converted between units when deter-mining conformance to a specification.