ASME P30.1:2019 pdf free download.Planning for Load Handling Activities.
An evaluation of a proposed load handling activity shall be performed (see Figure 2-1-1). Documentation of the evaluation is not required. It is recommended that the evaluation includes a risk analysis. Useful resources include ISO 3 1000:2009 and ISO 3 1010:2009. At a minimum, the load handling category should be determined based on review of the following considerations:
(a) Potential Hazards to Persons
(1) If the load handling activity will involve personnel lifting.
(2) lIthe load will be moved or suspended over areas accessible to the general public.
(3) lithe load contains materials immediately dangerous to life and health.
(4) if load handling personnel will be in locations that may be hazardous during the load handling activity (e.g.. pinch points, crush points).
(5) ifsitepersonnelotherthanloadhandlingpersonnel will be in locations that are hazardous due to the load handling activity. This should include consideration of protection provided by existing structures.
(b) Hazards in Proximity to the Work Area
(1) lithe load and/or the LHE can encroach the prohibited zone of power lines
(2) if there is potential for electromagnetic radiafun/radio frequency hazard (e.g.. loss of communication, electrical discharge, and shock)
(3) if the load handling activity can cause damage to pipes, lines, tanks, equipment. or products that could create an adverse environmental impact
(c) complexity of Load Handling Activity
(1) lithe load has potential for instability during the load handling activity due to the
(-a) design or configuration of the load (e.g.. shape, load integrity, and sail area)
(-b) center-of-gravity of the load relative to the established connection points
(-c) load weight shift (e.g., liquid filled, swing arms. and moveable parts)
(2) lithe load handling activity uses complex load handling methods
(3) lithe load handling activity will be performed in proximity to obstructions or in limited clearance areas, including consideration of clearance between the LHE and the load
(4) if the load is to be manipulated (e.g., turned, rotated, and tilted)
(5) if the LHE travels during the lift
(6) if the load handling activity uses multiple LHE
(7) if the load handling activity is unique to or infrequently performed by the personnel involved
(8) if special means or access for attaching and removing rigging is required
(d) Adverse Impact From Environmental Conditions. If the load handling activity could be adversely impacted by conditions such as
(1) effects of wind on the load and/or LHE (e.g.speed, direction, sustained, and/or gusts)
(2) support for the load, the LHE, or both (e.g., ground, rail, girder, structure, foundation, vessel list,and trim).