ASME BPVC-III NCA ADD:2008 pdf free download

ASME BPVC-III NCA ADD:2008 pdf free download

ASME BPVC-III NCA ADD:2008 pdf free download.General Requirements for Division 1 and Division 2.
NCA-358.2 Control of Measuring and Test Equipment
(a) Procedures shall be in effect to assure that tools. gages. instruments, and other measuring and testing dcvices used to verify compliance with the material specification and this Section are calibrated and properly adjusted at specific periods or use intervals to maintain accuracy within necessary limits. Periodic checks on equipment may be performed to determine that calibration is maintained.
Ib) Calibration shall be against certilied equipment having known valid relationships and documented traceability to nationally recogniied standards, where such standards exist. If no known nationally recognized standards exist. the basis for calibration shall be documented.
(C) Control measures shall include provisions for measuring and test equipment identification and for determining calibration status by equipment marking or on records traceable in the equipment.
NCA-3&SX.3 Discrepancies in Nicasuring or Testing Equipment
(a) When discrepancies in excess of tolerances for measuring or testing equipment are found at calibration, appropriate corrective action shall be taken, and material measured or tested since the previous calibration shall be reviewed to determine that all applicable requirements have been met.
(b) When periodic checks on equipment arc performed to determine that calibration is maintained, potential material or source material discrepancies need only be resolved to the previous check, provided
(1) the methods used and frequency of periodic checking are described in calibration procedures, and
(2) the calibration discrepancy was found by periodic check.
NCA.3858.4 Inspection and Test Status. Measures shall be established so that the status and results of any required inspections, examinations, or tests can be determined at any time. Status shall be maintained through indicators such as physical location and tags, marking, shop travelers, stamps. inspection records, or other suitable means. The authority for application and removal of such indicators shall be specied.
N CA-3g58.5 Control of Nonconforming Material
(a) Adequate control measures shall be established to prevent the use of material that does not confonn to the requirements of the material specification and this Section.
(b) Material or source material with nonconformances shall he identified, segregated when practical, and reviewed for acceptance. rejection, or repair in accordance with docuniented procedures. The responsibility and authority for the disposition of nonconformances in these materials shall be defined.