ASME B16.10:2000 pdf free download

ASME B16.10:2000 pdf free download

2.3 Flanged Valve Dimensions
2.3.1 The face-to.face dimension for flanged valves is the distance between the extreme ends which are the gasket contact surfaces (see Fig. I). Faceto-face applies to flanged valves having the following nominal flange facing identificis.
(a) flat
(b) 2 mm (006 in.) raised
(c) 7 mm (0.25 in.) raised
(d) large ci small male4
It) large or small tongue4
2.3.2 Installed Face-to-Face. The installed face. to-face dimension of certain butterfly valves [see Table 8 (A8), Note (1)1 may include allowances for gasket or resilient-facing compression. Refer to MSS SP-67 for definitive illustrations.
2.3.3 End-to-End, For those flanged salves where the gasket contact surfaces are not located at the extreme ends of the valve, the distance between the extreme ends is described as the dimension and applies to flanged valves having the following nominal flange facing identitiers:
(a) ring joint
(b) large or small female
(c) large or small groove
2.4 Buttwelding End Valve Dimensions (Also
see Section 4)
For buttwelding end valves, the end-to-end dimensionis the distance between the extreme ends (root faces)of the welding bevels (see Fig. 2).
2.5 Grooved End Valve Dimensions
The end-to-end dimension for grooved end valvesis the distance between extreme ends.
2.6 Angle Valves
For flanged angle type valves (those in which theends are at an angle of 90 deg to each other), the center-to-face dimension is the distance from the centerline ofthe port to the extreme end which is the gasket contactsurface. For flanged angle type valves in which thegasket seating surface is not located at the extreme
end and for angle type valves having buttwelding ends,
the phrase center-to-end denotes the distance from thecenterline of the port to the extreme end.
3 FACINGs OF FLANGED VALVESFigure 1 shows facings for flanged ends.3.1 Facings Normally Furnished
3.1.1 Flat Face. Flanges for Classes 25 and 125cast iron valves are flat faced.
3.1.2 2 mm {0.06 in.) Raised Face. Flanges forClass 250 cast iron and for Classes 150 and 300 steel,alloy,and ductile iron valves have 2 mm(0.06in.raised faces,which are included in the face-to-face (orcenter-to-face) dimension. When Classes 150 and 300valves are required with flat faces,either the fullthickness of flange or the thickness with the 2 mm(O.06 in. raised face removed may be furnished,unless
otherwise specified by the customer. Users are remindedthat removing the 2 mm (o.06 in.. raisedface will
rmake the face-to-face dimension nonstandard.
3.1.3 7 mm (0.25 in.) Raised Face. Flanges forClass 600and higher steel and alloy valves have 7mm (0.25 in.) raised faces,which are included in theface-to-face (or center-to-face) dimensions.
3.2 Other Standard Facings
Table 9(A9) summarizes data on all flange facingsand can be used with Tables 1 to 6 (A1 to A6) incalculating face-to-face.