ASME AG-1a:2009 pdf free download

ASME AG-1a:2009 pdf free download

ASME AG-1a:2009 pdf free download.Code on Nuclear Air and Gas Treatment.
This article contains the minimum requirements for structural design of equipment for which this Code is applicable. Nonmandatory Appendices AA-A through AA-D contain guidance on implementing these rules.
Electrical equipment shall be qualified to meet the environmental conditions speci tied for the equipment in Divisions II and Ill of this Code.
This suharticle contains the load, stress, deflection, and other criteria for the design of equipment. Veritication of equipment design shall be based on calculations or tests, or a combination of both,
AA4210 1,0.41) CRITERIA
All loads as specified in the design specification or the applicable equipment section of this Code shall be taken into account in designing equipment and shall include, hut not be limited to. the loads listed in AA-42l1.
AA-4211 Loads
addirkrnal th’narnic- ?oad.s (ADLL loads resulting from system excitation due to structural motion caused by safety relief-valve actuation and other hydrodynamic loads due to design basis accident (DBA). small pipe break accident (SBA). and intermediate pipe break accident (IDA): also, liquid slosh in tanks and vessels and mechanical shock loads.
constraint of free end displacement loads (T): loads caused by constraint of free end displacement that results from thermal or other movements.
dead weight (OW): the weight of equipment or ductwork including supporis. sriffcners. insulation. all internally or externally mounted components or accessories, and any contained fluids.
design pressure differential (L)Pl)): dynamic pressure loads resulting froni a DBA. IBA. or SFIA.
design wind (14’): loads due to design hurricane, design tornado, or other abnormal meteorological condition that could occur infrequently.
external load.s (EL): applied loads caused by attached piping, accessories, or other equipment.
fluid momentum loads (FML): loads other than those listcd here, such as the momentum and pressure forces due to fluid flow.
li’e loads (L): loads occurring during construction and maintenance and loads due to snow. pondcd water. and ice.
normal loads (N): loads consisting of normal operating pressure differential, system operating pressure transients, dead weight, external loads, and inertia loads.
N — NOPD + soir + DW + EL + FMI.
normal operating pressure d(ffrrenual tNOPI)): the maximum positive or negative pressure differential that may occur during normal plant operation, including plant stanup and test conditions: included are pressures resulting from normal airflow and damper or valve closure.
seismic loads: loads that are the result o either an operating basis carthquakc (0l3E) or safc shutdown earthquake (SSE). Both orthogonal components of the horizontal seismic excitation are applied simultaneously.