ASME A112.19.16:2006 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.16:2006 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.16:2006 pdf free download.TerrazzO Plumbing Fixtures.
UL 969, Marking and Labeling Systems
Publisher: Underwriters Laboratories (UI). 333 Pfingsten Road. Northbmcik, IL 60062-2096
2.1 Material
2.1.1 Terrazzo. The cast-stone terrazzo composition shall be composed of fine and coarse mineral aggregate and Portland cement or other suitable hinder. The color of the aggregate and binder shall he such mis to produce the desired color.
2.1.2 FIne Aggregate. Fine aggregate shall be marble chips, sand, stone, slag screenings, or other inert material with similar characteristics, and shall be well graded and pass a 1/ in. (6.4 mm) screen.
2.1.3 Coarse Aggregate. Coarse aggregate shall be marble chips or other inert material with similar characteristics, and shall pass a in. (9.5 mm) screen and retained on a 1/4 in. (6.4 mm) screen,
2.1.4 Portland Cement. The Portland cement used in the mix shall comply with ASTM C 150.
2.1.5 SuItable Binder. Other suitable hinders must meet the performance rvquirenwnts of this Standard.
2.1.6 Color. Cast terrazzo plumbing fixtures shall be mottled white, gray, or other color at the manufacturer or consumer’s option.
2.1.7 FInish. All surface voids shall be tilled and polished or troweled to match adjoining surfaces. Exposed surfaces visible to user shall be even, uniform and smooth, without pits or air holes, and free From all loose aggregate chips. Alter grinding, the surface shall be washed, cleaned, and sealed over the exposed surface of the product. All surfaces exposed to water during normal usage shall be sealed.
2.2 ConstructIon
2.2.1 Shower Receptors and Bathtubs. Terrazzo shower receptors and bathtubs shall be one-piece molded units. Shower bases intended for installation against a vertical surface (wall) shall incorporate a raisedflange not less than 1 in.(26 mm) above the rim at anypoint. The flange shall be integral with the shower base.The floor shall slope towards the drain a minimum of4in./ ft (21 mm/m).
2.2.2 Sinks. Sinks shall be one piece-molded units.The bottom shall slope toward the drain. Waste fittingopenings shall be sized to accommodate standard wastefittings unless the waste outlet fitting is manufacturer-supplied.
2.2.3 Service Basin.Terrazzo service basins shallbe one-piece molded units.The floor shall slope towardsthe drain.A drain fitting for inside caulking to a 3 in-(76 mm) pipe shall be embedded into the fixture.
2.2.4 Wash Fountains and Lavatory Systems. Washfountain and lavatory system bowls shall be one-piecemolded units with the iniside bottom of the bowlslopingtowards the drain so as to provide continuous drainingduring use.All such bowis shall have a waste-fitting
opening. the centerof which is at the lowest point ofthe bowl. Waste-fitting openings will be sized to accom-
modate standard waste fittings unless the waste-outietfitting is manufacturer-supplied. Bowls shall havea minimum capacity of 2/4 gal(8.5 L) per user. Circular andnonlinear units shall provide 20 in. (508 mm) of rim peruser. Linear units shall provide 24 in.(610 mm) center-to-center distance per user section.