API STD 670:2000 pdf download

API STD 670:2000 pdf download

API STD 670:2000 pdf download.Machinery Protection Systems.
3.42 magnetIc speed sensor: Responds to changes in magnetic (kid reluctance as the gap between the scnsni and its observed ferrous target (speed sensing surtàce) changes. By choosing a proper speed sensing surftice. the magnetic speed sensors output will he proportional to the rotational speed of the observed surface. Magnetic speed seflSOis may be either passive (self-powered) or active (require external power).
3.43 monitor system: Consists of signal processing. alarmishutdowriintcgrity logic processing, power supply(ies), display/indication. inpus/outpuls. and protective relays (see Figures I and 2).
3.44 non-Integral display: A display that is not contiguous with the other components comprising the monitor system.
3.45 oscillator-demodulator: A signal conditioning device that sends a radio frequency signal to a proximity probe. demodulates the probe output, and provides an output signal suitable for input to the monitor system.
3.46 overspeed protection system: An electronic overspeed detection system and all other components necessary to shut down the machine in the event of an overspeed condition. It may include (but is not limited to) items such as trip valves, solenoids, and interposing relays.
3.47 owner: The final recipient of the equipment (who will operate the machinery and its associated machinery protect ion system) and may delegate another agent as the purchaser of the equipment.
3.48 passive magnetic speed sensor: A magnetic speed sensor that does not require external power to provide an output.
3.49 peak-to-peak value (pp): The difkrence between positive and negative extreme values of an electronic signal or dynamic motion.
3.50 phase reference transducer: A gap-to-voltage device that consists of a proximity probe, an extension cable, and an oscillator-demodulator and is used to sense a once- per-revolution iiiark.
3.51 pIston rod drop: A measurement of the position of the piston rod relative to the proximity probe mounting location(s) (typically oriented vertically at the pressure packing box on horitontal cylinders).
Note: Piston rod drop is an indiftsl mcaurcnwnt of the piston rider hand wear on reciprocating machinery ttypically addressed by API 618).
3.52 positive Indication: An active (that is. requires power for annunciation and changes state upon loss of power) display under the annunciated condition. Examples include an LED thai is lighted under the annunciated condition or an LCD that is darkened or colored under the annunciated condition.
3.53 primary probes: Those proximity probes installed at preferred locations and used as the default inputs to the monitor system.
3.54 proximity probe: A noncontacting sensor that consists of a tip, a probe body, an integral coaxial cablc. and a connector and is used to translate distance (gap) to voltage.
3.55 probe area: The at-ca observed by the proximity probe during measurement.
3.56 probe gap: The physical distance between the face of a proximity probe tip and the observed surface. The distance can be expressed in terms of displacement (mils, micrometers) or in terms of voltage (volts DC).
3.57 purchaser: The agency that buys the equipment.
3.58 radial shaft vibration: The vibratory motion of the machine shall in a direction perpendicular to the shaft longitudinal axis.
3.59 remote: Refers to the location of a device when located away from the equipment or console, typically in a control room.