SAE J361:2003 pdf download

SAE J361:2003 pdf download

SAE J361:2003 pdf download Procedure for Visual Evaluation of Interior and Exterior Automotive Trim
1. Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice applies to parts and materials used in vehicle manufacture which are intended to be acceptable color matches to a specified standard. This document is intended for use with parts or materials which are opaque or nearly so. Materials covered by this document include topcoat paint finishes, interior soft trim, interior and exterior hard trim, and exterior film and flexible trim.
1.1 Purpose—The intent of this document is to precisely specify procedures for the visual evaluation of appearance of colored materials or parts incorporated in the manufacture of vehicles. The document provides a consistent engineering practice for the determination of visual color difference between materials or parts of the same or like materials. A suitable fixture providing daylight, fluorescent, and horizon lighting conditions is necessary for this evaluation.
2. References
2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
2.1 .1 ASTM P UBLICATIONS —Available from ASTM, 1 00 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 1 9428-2959.
ASTM E 284—Terminology of Appearance
ASTM E 308—Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by using the CIE System
ASTM E 1 499-97—Standard Guide to the Selection, Evaluation and Training of Observers
2.1 .2 CIE P UBLICATIONS —Available from USNC-CIE Publications Office, TLA Lighting Consultants, 7 Pond St.,Salem, Massachusetts, 01 970.
CIE Publication 51 —Method for Assessing the Quality of Daylight Simulators for Colorimetry
2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a required part of this document.
2.2.1 ASTM P UBLICATIONS —Available from ASTM, 1 00 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 1 9428-2959.
ASTM D 1 729—Standard Practice for Visual Evaluation of Color and Color Differences of Diffusely Illuminated Opaque Materials
2.2.2 W ILEY P UBLICATION —Available from Wiley Publishers, 1 1 1 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030.
Billmeyer & Saltzman’s Principles of Color Technology, by Roy S. Berns, March 2000
3. Definitions
3.1 Master Standard, Sample
3.1 .1 M ASTER S TANDARD —The appropriately identified engineering approved standard sample against which specified similar materials are evaluated.
3.1 .2 S AMPLE —The material or part that is evaluated for color and appearance match to the master standard.
3.2 Color Attributes—The color of a material can be described by four basic attributes. Figure 1 shows a diagram of Munsell hue, value, and chroma and their relationship to one another.
3.2.1 H UE —The attribute of color perception by means of which an object is judged to be red, yellow, green, blue, or intermediate between some adjacent pair of these.
3.2.2 V ALUE —The attribute of color perception by means of which an object is judged to appear light or dark relative to an object of the same hue and chroma.
3.2.3 C HROMA —The attribute of color perception that expresses the degree of departure from gray, toward the pure hue, at the same value and hue.
3.2.4 M ETALLIC B RILLIANCE —Departure from solid color (straight shade) appearance to a highly metallized or opalescent appearance, often accompanied by a change in the angle of viewing (goniochromatic effect).
3.2.5 G ONIOCHROMATISM —Change in value/lightness, hue or chroma of a specimen upon change in angular illuminating or viewing conditions but without change in light source or observer. When two specimens are compared to each other, they may or may not exhibit metamerism in addition to differences in goniochromatism. They should also be viewed under different lights to check for metamerism. (Reference ASTM E 284)