ISO 18875:2015 pdf download

ISO 18875:2015 pdf download

ISO 18875:2015 pdf download.Coalbed methane exploration and development — Terms and definitions
1 Scope
This International Standard provides terminology on geology and exploration, engineering construction,field development and production in coalbed methane industry. This International Standard does not contain surface gathering.
2 Terms relating to geology and exploration
2.1 coalbed methane
methane-rich gas naturally occurring in coal seams (and surrounding rock) typically comprising of 80 % to 95 % methane with lower proportions of ethane, propane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide
Note 1 to entry: In common international use, this term refers to methane recovered from un-mined coal seams using surface boreholes.
2.2 adsorption
enrichment of the absorptive gas at the external and accessible internal surfaces of a solid material (coal matrix)
[SOURCE: ISO 15901-2:2006, 3.2]
2.3 desorption
opposite of adsorption (2.2), in which adsorbed gases leave the surface of a solid material (coal matrix)
Note 1 to entry: The liberation can be spontaneous but can be accelerated by physical actions.
[SOURCE: ISO 3529-1:1981, 1.13.2]
2.4 gas content
volume of gas per unit mass of coal, usually expressed in cubic meter of gas per ton of coal under standard temperature and pressure (STP) conditions
Note 1 to entry: Unit is m 3 /t or cm³/g. STP conditions are 100 000 Pa and 0 °C (273,15 K).
2.5 CBM content
volume of hydrocarbon gas per unit mass of coal, usually expressed in cubic meter of gas per ton of coal under standard temperature and pressure (STP) conditions
Note 1 to entry: Unit is m 3 /t or cm³/g. STP conditions are 100 000 Pa and 0 °C (273,15 K).
2.6 CBM reservoir
coal seams and surrounding rock with hydrocarbon resources that can potentially be extracted for commercial purposes
2.17 diffusion coefficient
rate of gas diffusion through a material
Note 1 to entry: Expressed in m 2 /s.
Note 2 to entry: Express flow ability of coalbed methane depending on concentration.
[SOURCE: ISO 9346:2007,3.34]
2.18 dual porosity system
rock characterized by primary porosity from original deposition and secondary porosity from some other mechanism [cleat (2.20) or fracture (2.19)] and in which all flow to the well effectively occurs in one porosity system, and most of the fluid is stored in the other
2.19 fracture
natural fractures in a formation resulting from external stress, usually being associated with a displacement
2.20 cleat
natural fractures (2.19) in a coal seam usually being associated with coalification (2.21)
Note 1 to entry: Normally in a form as two groups of parallel fractures orthogonal with each other the group with better fracture continuity is called surface cleat (face cleat), the other group limited by surface cleat is called end cleat (butt cleat).
2.21 coalification
process by which deposited and compacted plant remains are transformed into coal
Note 1 to entry: Includes diagenesis and metamorphism.
[SOURCE: ISO 1213-2:1992, 3.29]
2.22 coal rank
position of a coal in the coalification series from lignite coal (low rank) to anthracite (high rank),indicating maturity in terms of chemical and physical properties
[SOURCE: ISO 7404-1:1994, 2.1.3]
2.23 CBM exploration
initial phase in coalbed methane operations that includes generation of a prospect or play or both, and drilling of an exploration well
2.24 CBM resources
naturally occurring concentrations or reservoirs of coalbed methane in coal seams and surrounding rock in such forms and amounts that economic extraction is currently or potentially feasible