ISO 12671:2021 pdf download

ISO 12671:2021 pdf download

ISO 12671:2021 pdf download.Thermal spraying — Thermally sprayed coatings — Symbolic representation on drawings
1 Scope
This document specifies how the symbolic representation of thermally sprayed coatings is indicated on drawings.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
– ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso .org/obp
– IEC Electropedia: available at http:/ fwww.electropedia .orgt
4 General
Coatings may be indicated with the general recommendations for technical drawings. To apply this symbolic representation will make sense in cases where the thermally sprayed coating is very thin and/or can be built up by several dissimilar coatings one upon another.
The symbolic representation shall clearly give all the necessary indications regarding the specific coating to be obtained without over-burdening the drawing with notes or showing an additional view or detail enlargement.
This symbolic representation includes an elementary symbol and one or more supplementary symbols and further complementary indications. If a large number of instructions for producing the coating have to be mentioned, it is recommended to indicate the specific instructions on the drawing or to define them in a separate parts’ list, if applicable (see Figures 6 and 7 ).
5 Symbols
The elementary symbol shall indicate that this process deals with thermal spraying.
The following information shall be given by supplementary symbols:
– type of coating (bond or top coat);
– the spraying process and subsequent treatments.
The following requirements may be defined by further additional instructions:
– the coating thickness needed or the final coating thickness machined;
–  the spray material to be used;
– the surface condition;
– post-treatments of coating;
– a technical specification that defines the requirements necessary to complete the coating.
6 Position of the symbols on drawings
The complete symbol shall contain:
– the designation of the coating Coutside the outline of the component);
– an arrow line;
– a reference line (continuous line) with the elementary symbol above it;
– instructions concerning the mode of coating, spraying process, coating thickness, spray material, surface condition and post-treatments, if applicable.
The arrow line and reference line form the complete reference mark. A tail (see Figure 2) can be added at the end of the reference line, to make a separate representation of bond and top coat possible.
The reference line shall preferably be drawn parallel to the bottom edge of the drawing. Or, if this is impossible, perpendicular to it.