IEEE 515:2011 pdf free download

IEEE 515:2011 pdf free download

IEEE 515:2011 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for the Testing, Design,Installation, and Maintenance of Electrical Resistance Trace Heatingfor Industrial Applications.
4.1.7 Deformation test
A sample of the healing device as well as a sample of each type of integral components and nonheating lead (if applicable) shall be placed on a ngid steel plate. A crushing ieee of 15(X) N is then applied for 30 a. without shock, by means of a 6 mm diamctcr steel rod with hemispherical ends and a total length of
25 mm For the lest, the steel rod is laid flat on the sample. and in the case of a trace hesict, it is placed across the speciincn at right angles. For a trace heater that is oval or rectangular, the widest surface shall be the surface on which the load is applied In the case of a surface heating unit, it is necessary to verily that thc steel rod rests across thc activc clement. After a minimum ttmc of not less than 30 a and with the proof loading continuously applied, the d.clccinc test 4.1.1 and insulation resistance test 4.1,2 shall be successfully completed. The test voltage shall be applied between the heating device conductors and its braid or sheath.
4.1.8 Impact test
Both of the impact icsts in 41,8.1 and 4.1,8.2 arc required to he conducted on separate samples of heating devices approximately 200 mm in length and on any integral components assembled with the heating des ice, MInimum temperature test
Each sample is positioned on a hardened steel plate (with a mass equal to or greater than 20 kg. 195 mm 195 mm x 70 mm) The plate is positioned on a rigid substrate such that the impact energy absoi’bed by the substrate is negligible. The assembly is then conditioned for a minimum of 4 h at the iiianufacturcr’s minimum recommended installation temperature. After conditioning and while still at the minimum recommended installation temperature, a sample shall be sublected to a 50.8 mm diameter cylindrical steel plunger with smoothly rounded edges to a radius of approximaicly 5 mm. with a mass of 1.8 kg and allowed to free fall from a height of 762 mm, resulting in an impact energy of 13.6 J. Then, the impacted portion at the sample shall be immersed in tap water at 10 °C’ to 20 °C’ for 5 mm. and the dielectric tcst 4.1.1 and insulation resistance test 4.1.2 shall be successfully completed. For surface heating units, both the heating region and cold leads shall be impacted.