IEEE 379:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 379:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 379:2014 pdf free download.IEEE Standard for Applicatio nof the Single-Failure Criterion
to Nuclear Power Generating Station Safety Systems.
NOTE—Examples of actuation devices are circuit breakers, relays, and pilot valves.
auxiliary supporting features: Systems or components that provide services (such as cooling, lubrication, and energy supply) required for the safety systems to accomplish (heir safety functions.
channel: An arrangement of components and modules as required to generate a single protective action signal when required by a generating station condiion, A channel loses its identity where single protective action signals arc combined.
common-cause failure (CCF): Loss of function to multiple structures, systems, or components due to a shared root cause.
design basis events: Postulated events used in the design to establish the acceptable performance requirements for the structures, systems, and components.
detectable failures: Failures that can be identified through periodic testing or that can be revealed by alarm or anomalous indication. Component failures that arc detected at the channel, division, or system level arc detectable failures.
NOTE—ldentitiablc. but nondctcctablc failures arc failures identitied by analysis that cannot be detected through periodic testing or revealed by alarm or anomalous indication.
execute features: The electrical and mechanical equipment and interconnections that perform a function, associated directly or indirectly with a safety function upon receipt of a signal from the sense and command 1.tatures. The scope of the execute features extends from the sense and command liatures output to, and including, the actuated equipment-to-process coupling.
NOTE—In some instances, protective actions may be performed by execute features that respond directly to the process conditions (e.g.. check valves and self-actuating relief valves)
failure: The termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function.
periodic test: A test performed at scheduled intervals to detect failures and verify operability.
protection system: The part of the sense and command features involved in generating those signals used primarily for the reactor trip system and engineered safely features.
protective action: The initiation of a signal within the sense and command features, or the operation of equipment within the execute features, for the purpose of accomplishing a safety function.
redundant equipment or system: A piece of equipment or a system that duplicates the essential function of another piece of equipment or system o the extent that either may perform the required function, regardless of the state of operation or failure of the other.
NOTE— Duplication olessential functions can be accomlished by the use of identical equipment. equipment diersity, or functional diversity.