IEEE 1361:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 1361:2014 pdf free download

IEEE 1361:2014 pdf free download.IEEE Guide for Selecting, Charging,Testing, and Evaluating Lead-Acid Batteries Used in Stand-Alone Photovoltaic (PV) Systems.
charge controller: An electrical control device that regulates battery charging by voltage control and.’or other means. The charge controller may also incolporate one or more of the following functions: discharge tcrmrnatlon. regulation voltage temperature compensation. load control, and status indication.
deficit charge: Charging a battery with lcss Ah than arc required to return the battery to its initial statc-ofcharge. This results in a reduction in the battery state-of-charge.
end-of-discharge voltage (EOI)): Ihe battery voltage just prior to load termination. EODV is the minimum voltage for the given discharge cycle.
low-voltage disconnect (LVI)): The battery voltage at which the load is disconnected to prevent over discharge. The LVD is the determining factor for the actual maximum allowable depth of discharge and aailahle battery capacity in a PV system
low-soltagr reconnect (LVRI: The battery voltage at which the load is reconnected after an LVD.
opportunity charging: Partial or complete charging of the battery whenever the opportunity arises.
overcharge: The forcing of current through a battery after it has been fully recharged. quantified as the number of ampere-hours charged divided by the number of ampere-hours discharged times 100. Typical overcharge values are between 105% and 130%.
premature capacity loss: Significant lead-acid battery capacity loss, usually greater than that occurs during cycling even though the battery receives adequate charge to recover the discharged capacity. The decline in capacity occurs early in the projected cycle-life of the battery without any of’ the traditional capacity loss or wear-out mechanisms.
regulation reconnect voltage (rr): The battety voltage at which the charge controller reconnects the charging source to the hancry,
solar Insolation: The total daily solar irradiance in kWlsm. Most solar insolation data for a geographic location is reported for each month as the average daily irradiance for a specific array tilt angle. Typical daily solar insolation values arc between 2 kWhm and 7 kWlsm.
standard test conditions (STU): The accepted conditions under which PV devices are commonly rated:
1000 Wm at a spectral distribution of air mass (AM) 1.5 and a 25 °C PV cell temperature.
sullation. escessive or ‘hard”: The abnormal growth of lead sulfate crystals on the plates of a lead-acid battery after an extended time in a fully or partially discharged condition. It appears on the positive plate edges as shiny white crystals.
sustaining charge: A sustaining charge restores the battery to the same state-of-charge it was prior to the discharge.
4. Safety
Installation of batteries under test should b.c in accordance with procedures and safety guidelines outlined in IEEE Std 4SOTM 1B31, IEEE Std I [B7J. and IEEE Std 9371M [BS]. At least the fullowing should be considered mandatory for personnel safety: goggles for eye protection. acid resistant gloves, eyewash stations Iportable or stationary), electrolyte neutralizing solutions, protective clothing, and a class C tire estinguisher.