3.1.3 Cross-Referencing of Sections. Cross-reference zoning may be used to indicate the location of an indicated section, and to reference a section back to the viewing location. When sections are located on different sheets, the sheet number and zone of the cross-reference location shall be indicated. See Fig. 26. Sections shall be oriented according to the cutting plane orientation, unless clearly noted otherwise. The sheet number and zone cross reference may be in any format, provided that it is easily understood.
3.2 Cutting Plane
3.21 Cutting Plane Location. The location of the cutting plane is shown by a cutting plane line that represents the edge view of the cutting plane. The cutting plane may be omitted when its location is obvious as shown in Figs. 27 and 28.
3.2.2 IdentIfying Sections. To relate the cutting plane to its sectional view, capital letters such as A, B, C, etc., are placed near each arrowhead. Placement near one arrowhead is permitted when cutting planes are continuous between arrowheads and clarity is achieved. The corresponding sectional views are identified as SECTION A-A, SECTION 8-B, SECTiON C-C, etc. Section letters should be used in alphabetical order excluding 1, 0, Q, S, X, and Z. When the alphabet is exhausted, additional sections should be indicated by double letters in alphabetical order, as in AA-AA, AB-AB, AC-AC, etc. See Fig. 29. II is also permissible to use a combination of numbers and letters for sectional view identification.
3.2.3 Reference Arrow Method for IdentIfying SectIons. Arrowheads are pointed toward the cutting plane line when using the reference arrow method. The view letters are placed at the ends of the cutting plane. The section view identification letters are placed above the view. See Fig. 30.
3.2.4 Section View Arrangement. When two or more sections appear on the same sheet, they should be arranged in positions determined by the relative locations of the cutting planes to the extent made possible by view geometry and drawing sheet size. See Fig. 29.
3.2.5 Showing Cutting Planes. The cutting plane line is always shown when the cutting plane is bent, offset, or when the resulting section is nonsymmetrical. See Fig. 31. The cutting plane should be shown through an exterior view and not through a sectional view.
3.3 SectIon Lining
Where section lining is used, a uniformly patterned appearance should be evident. In most cases, only the general purpose section lining (uniformly spaced lines) is shown on the drawing. See Fig. 25.