5. Responslbillis for Quallit Assurance
5.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or pur. chase order, the producer shall he responsible for the pertormance of all inspections and test requirements specified herein. Ltnless otherwise agreed upon, the producer may use his own or any other suitable (acilitics for the performance of the inspection and test requirements specified herein. The purchaser shall base the right to perftrm any of the inspections and tests set forth in the specification when, such inspections are deemed necessary to confirm that material conforms to prescribed requirements.
6. Nlaterlals and Ninitufaclure
6.1 The responsibility of furnishing castings that can be laid out and machined to the linished dimensions within the permissible vanations specified. a.s shown on the blueprints or drawings. shall n,st with the producer. escept where mold equipment is furnished by the purchaser.
7. Chemical Composition
7.1 The castings shall conform to the chemical composition limits prescribed in Table I. Conformance shall be determined by the producer by analyzing samples at the time the castings are poured, or samples taken from castings or tension test specimens representative of the castings. If the producer has determined the chemical composition of the material during the course of manufacture, he shall not be required to sample and analyic the finished product.
8. Sampling for Determination of Chemical Composition
8.1 A sample for determination of chemical coniposition shall be taken to represent one of the following:
8.1.1 Not more than 4000 lb (1814 kg) of clean castings tgatcs and risers removed) or a single casting poured from one furnace.
8.1.2 The castings poured continuously from one türnacc in Dot more than eight consecutive hours.
8.2 Samples for determination of chemical composition shall be taken in accordance with one of the following methods:
8.2.1 Samples for chemical analysis shall he taken by sawing. drilling, or milling the casting or test specimens in such a manner as to he representative of the material (Practice F. 88. The weight of a prepared sample shall not be less than 75 g.
8.2.2 Samples for spectmchemical analysis shall be taken in accordance with Practices E 716 Samples