ASME CSD-1:2018 pdf free download.Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers.
Boiler, boiler unit, burner, and control manufacturers operation and maintenance enstnwtbons furnished with the equipment shall be retained and made avaibble to the boiler operator (see CG-510).
CG-440 Operational Testing
(a; The manufacturer ol shop-assrmbied boilers shall test arid report per CG-S1O(a) on the operation of control systems and safety devices installed in accordmnte with this Standard. Test conditions shall be as close to specified field conditions as feasible prior to shipment from the manufacturer’s facility Where production makes it micasiNe to check each shop-assembled boiler unit individually pnor to shipment, the manufacturer shall follow a written inspection and quality control procedure by which the intent of this paragraph will be met
(b) The Installing contractor shall test and report per CG.S1O(b) on the operation of control systems and safety devices installed in accordance with this Standard prior to release to the owner/User,
CG-500 CERTiFICATION AND REPORTING CG-510 Certification and Reporting
(a) Manufacturers of shop-assembled boiler units covered by this Standard shall maintain a report for each boiler unit or on each category (type. size, or model) for boiler units. For boiler units less thami or cqLiJl to 400000 Btu/hr (117 kW) for gas, or less than or equal to 3 gph (11.4 1./h) for oil, a report shall be maintairwd on each category (type, size, or model) This report shall list
(1) each control and safety device installed in accordance with this Standard
(2) name of the manufacturer and model number of each control and safety device
(3) operational test performed (see CG-440)
Items (1) through (3) shall be verified by the signature of an authorized representative of the manufacturer on this report An example of an acceptable data report form Is contained in Nonrnandatory Appendix C. This report shall be made avaiLable to the authorized inspecDon agency or the inspector for action as required by the local jurisdiction.
(b) Installing contractors shall maintain or obtain from the manufacturer a report for each installation completed. The report shall List
(1) each control and safety device installed in accordance with this Standard
(2) name of the manufacturer and model number of each control and safety device
(3) operational Lest pertormed (see CG-440)
Items (1) through (3) shall be verified by the signature of an authorized representative of the installing contractor on this report.