ASME B16.50:2021 pdf free download.Wrought Copper and copper Alloy Braze-Joint Pressure Fittings.
9.1 Convention
For determining conformance with this Standard, the convention for fixing significant digits where limits (maximum and minimum values) are specified shall be as defined in ASTM E29. This requires that an observed or calculated value be rounded off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand digit used for expressing the limit.
Decimal values and tolerances do not Imply a particular method of measurement.
9.2 LInear Dimensions
An inspection tolerance, as shown in Table 92-1. shall be allowed on center-to-shoulder, center-to-center, center-to-threaded-end, and shoulder-to-threaded-end dimensions on all fittings having internal (C) braze ends, as well as on center•to•braze-end and braze.end. to.threaded-end dimensions on all fittings havingexternal (FTG) braze ends. Coupling inspection limits for shoulder. to.shoulder and shouldcr•to•end dimensions shall be double those shown in Table 9.2•1, except that the minus tolerance applied to dimension L (Figure 4.1.1) shall not result in a dimension less than 13 mm (0.06 in.). The largest opening in the fitting shall govern the tolerance to be applied to all openings.
9.3 OvaLity of Fitting End (C or FIG)
Maximum ovality of the fitting braze-loint end shall not exceed 1% of the maximum diameters shown in Table 3.1-1. The average of the maximum and minimum diameters shall he within the dimensions shown in the table.
9.4 InsIde Diameter of Fitting
The minimum cross•sectional area of the inside diameter through the fitting body shall not be less than the theoretical minimum area defined by diameter 0 in Table 3.1.1. The out.of’roundness condition of the cross’sectional area shall not exceed the value shown in Table 3.1-1.
For reducer or adapter fittings, the smallest end diameter shall apply, provided that this diameter does not restrict the other outlets.
9.5 WaLL Thickness
The minimum wall thickness shall not be less than shown in Table 3.1-1.
Fitting threads shall be right-hand, conforming to ASME B 1.20.1. They shall he taper threads (NPT).
10.1 Countersink or Chamfer
All internal threads shall be countersunk a distance noless than one-half the pitch of the thread, at an angle ofapproximately 45 deg with the axis of the thread.Allexternal threads shall be chamfered at an angle of 30deg to 45 deg from the axis. Countersinking and cham-fering shall be concentric with the threads.
The length of threads shall be measured to include thecountersink or chamfer.