API SPEC 2B:2007 pdf download

API SPEC 2B:2007 pdf download

API SPEC 2B:2007 pdf download.Specification for the Fabrication of Structural Steel Pipe.
No two girth welds shall be located closer together than one pipe diameter or 3 ft. whichever is less. There shall be no more than two girth welds in any 10-fl interval of pipe.
For LWI)S pipe. no two girth welds shall be located closer together than 10 fi. This requirement does not apply to subsequent fabrication which incorporates the mill pipe into a pile or strucWre.
6 Dimensions and Tolerances
The diameter, length. and wall thickness of pipe furnished to this specification shall be as specified by the purchaser. The length of each pipe shall not vary from the specified nominal length more than ± 11/2 in. per 10 ft of length.
The out-of-roundness, that is, the difference between the major and minor outside diameters at any point in a length of pipe. shall not exceed 1% of the nominal diameter or 1/4 in. maximum for wall thicknesses up to and including 2 in. For wall thickness exceeding 2 in.. the maximum permitted deviation shall not exceed an out-ofroundness to wall thickness ratk of 1:8. For pipe excoeding 48 in. in diameter, a maximum deiation of /, in. shall bc permitted provided the circumference tolerance is maintained within ± 1/4 in.
The outside circumference at any point in a length of pipe shall be within ± 1% of the nominal circumference or within ± 1/2 in., whichever is less.
The maximum allowable straightness deviation in any loft length shall be 1/8 in. For lengths over 10 ft. the maximum deviation of the entire length may be computed by the following formula, not to esceed 3/8 in. in any 40-ft length.
7 Inspection and Repair
Fabrication and verification inspection shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of AWS Dli, Section 6, to assure compliance with the applicable requirements of Sections I through 6.
All welds shall be visually inspected on bo4h the inside and outside surfaces. The weld profile shall meet the requirements of AWS [)I.I, Section 5.24.
l00% of each girth weld and spot testing amounting to 10% of each longitudinal weld (including the extreme ends) shall be examined by radiographic or ultrasonic inspection in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 and Part F. with Paragraph 6.12.3 and Part F with Paragraph of AWS DII. More extensive radiographic coverage may be obtained, if desired, by specification of Supplementary Requirement SR3. The fabricator shall be responsible for conducting all radiographic examinations.
lrnpertxtions detected in the base metal shall be explored to detemiine the extent of each. lmpertèctions in the tinished tube no deeper than 5% of the specified nominal wall thickness and mechanical marks no deeper than 5% of the nominal wall thickness or 1/16 in. in depth need not be removed. Imperfections which exceed the above shall be ground to sound metal. The excavation area shall be faired, and the thickness in the ground area shall not be reduced more than 7% of thc nominal thickness hut in no case more than in. depth. If the depth of imperfections in as-rolled plate exceeds the above limits. but not more than 20% of the nominal thickness, welding repairs may be performed. Repair of defects deeper than 20% of the nominal wall thickness or repair of defects with a length and/or width more than 20”/ of the nominal diameter shall not be permitted. Tuhulars made from other than as-rolled plate shall not be repaired by welding unless specifically approved by the purchaser.