UL 2575:2012 free download

UL 2575:2012 free download

\1.Explanation of the STP Process
Discussion item submitted by: Bradley Schmidt,Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Bradley Schmidt,presented a slide show explaining the Standards Technical Panel Process.Thepresentation included information on STP membership, interest categories, balance, ballots,STPmeetings, membership expectations, roles of the members, STP project manager, and STP Chair.
To access the Brad Schmidt’s presentation, log into CSDS, navigate to the STP 2575 Meeting
Scheduled for 2008-11-17,2008-11-18.Under the “Quick View”tab on the right side of the screen, clickthe magnifying glass adjacent to “View Supporting Documentation,” then click on the magnifying glassadjacent to “STP Process 2008” to view it.
2.Presentation of the Draft First Edition of UL 2575
Discussion item submitted by: Larry Albert,Black & Decker
Larry Albert presented an overview of the development and history of the UL 2575 standard.
Additionally , key aspects of the standard as well as action items to be handled by the Task Group werediscussed with the STP members in the ongoing development of the proposed first edition for ballotand comment.
3.Presentation of How the First Edition of UL 2575 Interacts with Other UL StandardsDIscuSSION
Discussion item submitted by: John Stimitz,Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
John Stimitz presented an overview of the UL 2575 standard and how it will interact with other UL endproduct standards.
The UL 2575 standard will be a guidance document for evaluating an end product with a battery packas a whole.The requirements are intended to be supplementary to those in the end product standards,with the end product requirements prevailing over Ui 2575.
To access the John Stimitz’s presentation, log into CSDS, navigate to the STP 2575 Meeting Scheduledfor 2008-11-17,2008-11-18.Under the “Quick View” tab on the right side of the screen, click the magnifying glass adjacent to “View Supporting Documentation,” then click on the magnifying glassadjacent to “UL 2575 Overview – lnteracts” to view it.
4.Presentation of the Comments Received During Preliminary Review and Discussion of How the Task Group Intends to React to Comments
Discussion item submitted by: Larry Albert,Black & Decker
Larry Albert, the Chair of the task group charged with drafting the proposed first edition of Standard forSafety – Requirements for lithium ion battery systems for use in electric power tool and motor operated,heating and lighting appliance evaluations, JL 2575, presented comments received in response to thepreliminary review of the standard.The STP 2575 panel discussed the comments,and the commentsfrom the preliminary review and the input from the STP members will be used to draft the proposed firstedition for posting in csDs for ballot and comment.
There was general consensus from the group regarding the direction the draft is headed.
5.Open Discussion on UL 2575 Standards lssues
Discussion item submitted by: Bradley Schmidt,Underwriters Laboratories,Inc.
Bradley Schmidt remarked that the goal of this STP meeting was to accomplish the review of thecomments received in response to the preliminary review of the proposed first edition of the standardand this goal was achieved.Next steps include the Task Group revising the rationale for the project,resolving action items determined during the meeting, and incorporating the input into the document forballot and comment as noted in topic 4.As the STP members are well acquainted with these issues,it was suggested that the document be sent for a ballot and comment period of 45-days.