IEEE 1872:2015 pdf free download

IEEE 1872:2015 pdf free download

IEEE 1872:2015 pdf free download.IEEE Standard Ontologies for Robotics and Automation.
robot communicating part: A role for devices (Device in SUMO) that serves as instrumcnts in a robot- robot communication process or a human-robot communication process by allowing the robot to send (or receive) information to (or from) a robot or a human. Contrast: robot actuating purl robot pros rising part: robot sensing part See also. robot part.
robot group: A group (Group in SUMOI of robots organised to achieve at least one common goal. See also. robot
robot interface: A device (Device in SUMO) composed by the devicca thai play the les of sensing parts. actuating pans, and communicating parts. Through the interface, the robot can sense and act on the environment as well as communicate with other agents. Therefore, the robot interface can be viewed as way to refer to all the devices that allow the robot to interact with the world. Each robot has one and only one robot interface. See also: robot actuating part: robot communicating part; robot sensing part.
robot part: A role played by any device (Device in SUMO) that is attached to the robot and serves in the functioning of the robot. Devices that are cansidcrcd robot parts while attached to a robot are not necessarily always a robot part in an ontological sense, since they exist by themselves and, in most cases. they can be connected to other kinds of devices. For instance, a power source is essentially a device:
however, a specific instance of a power source can be dynamically considered as a robot part during a spccific time interval while connected to a robot. The parts of the devices that arc considered robot parts arc considered robot parts as well. See also: robot: robot actuating part: robot communicating part: robot processing part: robot sensing part.
robot processing part: A role played by processing devices which allows the robot to process information.
Contrast: robot actuating part: robot communicating part: robot sensing part. See also: processing device: robot part
robot sensi.g part: A role played by any measuring device (McasurrngDerics’ in SUMO) that allows the robot to acquire information about its environment. Contrast: robot actuating part, robot communicating part: robot processing part. See also: robot part
robot: An agenhive device (Agent and Device in SUMO) in a broad sense, purposed to act in the physical world in order to accomplish one or more tasks. In some cases, the actions of a robot might be subordinated to actions of other agents (Agent in SUM()). such as software agents (bots) or humans. A robot is composed of suitable mechanical and electronic parts. Robots might form social groups, where they interact to achieve a common goal. A robot (or a group of robots) can form robotic systems together with special environments geared to facilitate their work. See also. automated robot, fully autonomous robot:
remote-controlled robot, robot group, robotic system. semi-autonomous robot: telcoperated robot
robotic environment: A physical environment equipped with a robotic system. See also, phssicaI ens ironment: robotic ssstem.
robotic s)stem: An artiticial system formed by one or more robots (single robots or groups of robots) and at least one device (Device in SUMO) supporting the operation of the robot4s). also artificial system:
collective robotic system: robot: single robotic system.