IEC 61000-4-8:2009 pdf free download

IEC 61000-4-8:2009 pdf free download

IEC 61000-4-8:2009 pdf free download Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques – Power frequency magnetic field immunity test
test generator;
GRP for floor standing equipment.
Precautions shall be taken if the test magnetic field may interfere with the test instrumentationand other sensitive equipment in the vicinity of the test set-up
Examples of test set-ups are given in the following figures:Figure 3: example of test set-up for table-top equipment
Figure 4 5: example of test set-up for floor-standing equipment
7.17.2Ground (reference) plane for floor standing equipment
The ground plane (GRP) shall be placed in the laboratory; the floor standing EUT andauxiliary test equipment shall be placed on it and connected toit GRP or to earth terminal.
The ground plane shall be a non-magnetic metal sheet (copper or aluminium) of 0,25 mmminimum thickness; other metals may be used but in this case they shall have at least 0,65mm minimum thickness.
The minimum size of the ground plane is 1 mx 1 m.
The final size depends on the dimensions of the floor standing EUT.
The ground plane shall be connected to the safety earth system of the laboratory.
7.27.3Equipment under test
The equipment is configured and connected to satisfy its functional requirements. It Floorstanding equipment shall be placed on the GRP with the interposition of a 0,1 m thicknessinsulating support(e.g. dry wood).For table top equipment see Figure 3.
The equipment cabinets which can be earthed shall be connected to the safety earth directlyon the GRPor via the earth terminal-of the EUT to PE.
The power supply,input and output circuits shall be connected to the sources of powersupply, control and signal.
The cables supplied or recommended by the equipment manufacturer shall be used. lnabsence of any recommendation,unshielded cables shall be adopted, of a type appropriatefor the signals involved.All cables shall be exposed to the magnetic field for 1 m of theirlength.
The back filters, if any, shall be inserted in the circuits at 1 m cable length from the EUT andconnected to the ground plane.
The communication lines (data lines) shall be connected to the EUT by the cables given in the technical specification or standard for this application.
7.4 Test generator
The test generator shall not influence the magnetic field and therefore shall not be placed close to the inductive coil.