IEC 60050-445:2010 pdf free download

IEC 60050-445:2010 pdf free download

IEC 60050-445:2010 pdf free download International Electrotechnical Vocabulary – Part 445: Time relays
1 Scope
This part of IEC 60050 defines terms related to specified-time relays.
In the past, IEC 60050-446 (Part 446 of the IEV) listed the terminology for all types of electrical relays. In order to improve the precision of terms and definitions as well as the general visibility of relay terminology, it had been decided to split that part of the IEV into three separate parts optimised for the specific relay types covered.
Therefore, this part of IEC 60050 gives terms and definitions for (specified) time relays superseding the terminology of IEC 60050-446 for such relays.
The terminology for elementary relays (non-specified time all-or-nothing relays) is contained in IEC 60050-444. A new part for measuring relays (IEC 60050-447) is also under preparation.
When all these three parts are published, IEC 60050-446 shall be withdrawn.
This standard is intended to define the most common time relay functions, and not all possible combinations.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC Guide 1 08, Guidelines for ensuring the coherency of IEC publications – Application of horizontal standards
Terms and definitions
Termes et définitions
445-01-01 relais temporisé, m relais de tout ou rien comportant une ou plusieurs fonctions temporelles time relay
specified-time relay
all-or-nothing relay with one or more time functions
relais temporisé à la mise sous tension, m relais temporisé dans lequel la temporisation démarre lorsque l’alimentation est appliquée et la sortie passe à l’état de travail lorsque la temporisation réglée est écoulée (voir Figure 1 )
power on-delay relay
on-delay relay time relay in which the time delay starts when applying the power supply and the output switches to the operate condition after the setting time has elapsed (see Figure 1 )
relais temporisé à la coupure, m relais temporisé dans lequel la sortie passe immédiatement à l’état de travail lorsque l’alimentation est appliquée, la temporisation démarre lorsque l’alimentation est coupée, et la sortie passe à l’état de repos lorsque la temporisation réglée est écoulée (voir Figure 2)
power off-delay relay
true off-delay relay time relay in which the output immediately switches to the operate condition when applying the power supply; the time delay starts when the power supply is removed; the output switches to the release condition after the setting time has elapsed (see Figure 2)